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donghun2018 committed Feb 2, 2019
1 parent 53cef4e commit 95825ca
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Showing 56 changed files with 8,569 additions and 1 deletion.
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions AdaptiveMarketPlanning/
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Adaptive Market Planning Driver Script

from collections import namedtuple
from AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel import AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel
from AdaptiveMarketPlanningPolicy import AdaptiveMarketPlanningPolicy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if __name__ == "__main__":
# this is an example of creating a model and running a simulation for a certain trial size

# define state variables
state_names = ['order_quantity', 'counter']
init_state = {'order_quantity': 0, 'counter': 0}
decision_names = ['step_size']

# read in variables from excel file
file = 'Base parameters.xlsx'
raw_data = pd.ExcelFile(file)
data = raw_data.parse('parameters')
cost = data.iat[0, 2]
trial_size = np.rint(data.iat[1, 2]).astype(int)
price = data.iat[2, 2]
theta_step = data.iat[3, 2]
T = data.iat[4, 2]
reward_type = data.iat[5, 2]

# initialize model and store ordered quantities in an array
M = AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel(state_names, decision_names, init_state, T,reward_type, price, cost)
P = AdaptiveMarketPlanningPolicy(M, theta_step)

rewards_per_iteration = []
learning_list_per_iteration = []
for ite in list(range(trial_size)):
print("Starting iteration ", ite)
reward,learning_list = P.run_policy()
print("Ending iteration ", ite," Reward ",reward)

nElem = np.arange(1,trial_size+1)

rewards_per_iteration = np.array(rewards_per_iteration)
rewards_per_iteration_sum = rewards_per_iteration.cumsum()
rewards_per_iteration_cum_avg = rewards_per_iteration_sum/nElem

if (reward_type=="Cumulative"):
rewards_per_iteration_cum_avg = rewards_per_iteration_cum_avg/T
rewards_per_iteration = rewards_per_iteration/T

optimal_order_quantity = -np.log(cost/price) * 100
print("Optimal order_quantity for price {} and cost {} is {}".format(price,cost,optimal_order_quantity))
print("Reward type: {}, theta_step: {}, T: {} - Average reward over {} iteratios is: {}".format(reward_type,theta_step,T,trial_size,rewards_per_iteration_cum_avg[-1]))

ite = np.random.randint(0,trial_size)
order_quantity = learning_list_per_iteration[ite]
print("Order quantity for iteration {}".format(ite))

#Ploting the reward
fig1, axsubs = plt.subplots(1,2,sharex=True,sharey=True)
fig1.suptitle("Reward type: {}, theta_step: {}, T: {}".format(reward_type,theta_step,T) )

axsubs[0].plot(nElem, rewards_per_iteration_cum_avg, 'g')
axsubs[0].set_title('Cum_average reward')

axsubs[1].plot(nElem, rewards_per_iteration, 'g')
axsubs[1].set_title('Reward per iteration')
#Create a big subplot
ax = fig1.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
# hide tick and tick label of the big axes
plt.tick_params(labelcolor='none', top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False)
ax.set_ylabel('USD', labelpad=0) # Use argument `labelpad` to move label downwards.
ax.set_xlabel('Iterations', labelpad=10)

# ploting the analytical sol
plt.ylabel("Order quantity")
plt.title("Analytical vs learned ordered quantity - (iteration {})".format(ite))
time = np.arange(0, len(order_quantity))
plt.plot(time, time * 0 - np.log(cost/price) * 100, label = "Analytical solution")
plt.plot(time, order_quantity, label = "Kesten's Rule for theta_step {}".format(theta_step))

118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions AdaptiveMarketPlanning/
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Adaptive Market Planning Model class
Adapted from code by Donghun Lee (c) 2018

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel():
Base class for model

def __init__(self, state_names, x_names, s_0, T,reward_type,price = 1.0, cost = 1.0, exog_info_fn=None, transition_fn=None, objective_fn=None, seed=20180613):
Initializes the model
:param state_names: list(str) - state variable dimension names
:param x_names: list(str) - decision variable dimension names
:param s_0: dict - need to contain at least information to populate initial state using s_names
:param price: float - price p
:param cost: float - cost c
:param exog_info_fn: function - calculates relevant exogenous information
:param transition_fn: function - takes in decision variables and exogenous information to describe how the state
:param objective_fn: function - calculates contribution at time t
:param seed: int - seed for random number generator

self.init_args = {seed: seed}
self.prng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
self.init_state = s_0
self.T = T
self.reward_type = reward_type
self.state_names = state_names
self.x_names = x_names
self.State = namedtuple('State', state_names)
self.state = self.build_state(s_0)
self.Decision = namedtuple('Decision', x_names)
self.obj = 0.0
self.past_derivative = 0.0
self.cost = cost
self.price = price
self.t = 0

# this function gives a state containing all the state information needed
def build_state(self, info):
return self.State(*[info[k] for k in self.state_names])

# this function gives a decision
def build_decision(self, info):
return self.Decision(*[info[k] for k in self.x_names])

# this function gives the exogenous information that is dependent on a random process
# computes the f_hat, chnage in the forecast over the horizon
def exog_info_fn(self, decision):
# return new demand based on a given distribution
return {"demand": self.prng.exponential(100)}

# this function takes in the decision and exogenous information to return
# new state
def transition_fn(self, decision, exog_info):


# compute derivative
derivative = self.price - self.cost if self.state.order_quantity < exog_info['demand'] else - self.cost
# update order quantity
new_order_quantity = max(0, self.state.order_quantity + decision.step_size * derivative)
print(' step ', decision.step_size)
print(' derivative ', derivative)
# count number of times derivative changes sign
new_counter = self.state.counter + 1 if self.past_derivative * derivative < 0 else self.state.counter
self.past_derivative = derivative

return {"order_quantity": new_order_quantity, "counter": new_counter}

# this function calculates how much money we make
def objective_fn(self, decision, exog_info):
obj_part = self.price * min(self.order_quantity, exog_info['demand']) - self.cost * self.state.order_quantity
return obj_part

# this method steps the process forward by one time increment by updating the sum of the contributions, the
# exogenous information and the state variable
def step(self, decision):
exog_info = self.exog_info_fn(decision)
onestep_contribution = self.objective_fn(decision, exog_info)

print("t {}, Price {}, Demand {}, order_quantity {}, contribution {}".format(self.t,self.price,exog_info['demand'],self.order_quantity,onestep_contribution))

#Check if cumulative or terminal reward
if (self.reward_type == 'Cumulative'):
self.obj += onestep_contribution
if (self.t == self.T):
self.obj = onestep_contribution

transition_info = self.transition_fn(decision, exog_info)
self.state = self.build_state(transition_info)

# Update method for time counter
def t_update(self):
self.t += 1
return self.t
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions AdaptiveMarketPlanning/
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Adaptive Market Planning Policy class

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from copy import copy
from AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel import AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel

class AdaptiveMarketPlanningPolicy():
Base class for policy

def __init__(self, AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel, theta_step):
Initializes the model
:param AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel: AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel - model to construct decision for
:param theta_step: float - theta step variable

self.M = AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel
self.theta_step = theta_step

# returns decision based on harmonic step size policy
def harmonic_rule(self):
return self.M.build_decision({'step_size': self.theta_step / (self.theta_step + self.M.t - 1)})

# returns decision based on Kesten's rule policy
def kesten_rule(self):
return self.M.build_decision({'step_size': self.theta_step / (self.theta_step + self.M.state.counter - 1)})

# returns decision based on a constant rule policy
def constant_rule(self):
return self.M.build_decision({'step_size': self.theta_step})

# returns decision based on a constant rule policy
def run_policy(self):
model_copy = copy(self.M)

for t in range(model_copy.T):
model_copy.step(AdaptiveMarketPlanningPolicy(model_copy, self.theta_step).kesten_rule())

return (model_copy.obj,model_copy.learning_list.copy())

Binary file added AdaptiveMarketPlanning/Base parameters.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions AdaptiveMarketPlanning/
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Adaptive Market Planning Model for variable price subclass

from collections import namedtuple
from AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel import AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel

import numpy as np

class ParametricModel(AdaptiveMarketPlanningModel):
Subclass for Adaptive Market Planning

def __init__(self, state_names, x_names, s_0, T, reward_type, cost = 1.0, price_low = 1.0, price_high = 10.0, exog_info_fn=None, transition_fn=None, objective_fn=None, seed=20180613):
Initializes the model
See Adaptive Market Planning Model for more details
super().__init__(state_names, x_names, s_0, T, reward_type,cost = cost, exog_info_fn=exog_info_fn, transition_fn=transition_fn, objective_fn=objective_fn, seed=seed)
self.past_derivative = np.array([0, 0, 0])
self.low = price_low
self.high = price_high

# returns order quantity for a given price and theta vector
def order_quantity_fn(self, price, theta):
return max(0,theta[0] + theta[1] * price + theta[2] * price ** (-2))

# returns derivative for a given price and theta vector
def derivative_fn(self, price, theta):
return np.array([1, price, price ** (-2)])

# this function takes in the decision and exogenous information to return
# new state
def transition_fn(self, decision, exog_info):

print(' theta ',self.state.theta)

# compute derivative and update theta
derivative = np.array([0, 0, 0])
if self.order_quantity_fn(self.state.price, self.state.theta) < exog_info['demand']:
derivative = (self.state.price - self.cost) * self.derivative_fn(self.state.price, self.state.theta)
derivative = (- self.cost) * self.derivative_fn(self.state.price, self.state.theta)

new_theta = self.state.theta + decision.step_size * derivative

new_counter = self.state.counter + 1 if, derivative) < 0 else self.state.counter
print(' step ', decision.step_size)
print(' derivative ', derivative)
print('new theta ',new_theta)

self.past_derivative = derivative

# generate random price
if (self.PRICE_PROCESS == 'RW'):
coin = self.prng.uniform()
delta = 0
if coin < .2:
delta = -1
elif coin >.8:
delta = 1

new_price = min(self.high,max(self.low,self.state.price + delta))
new_price = self.prng.uniform(self.low, self.high)

return {"counter": new_counter, "price": new_price, "theta": new_theta}

# this function calculates how much money we make
def objective_fn(self, decision, exog_info):
self.price = self.state.price
self.order_quantity=self.order_quantity_fn(self.state.price, self.state.theta)
obj_part = self.state.price * min(self.order_quantity, exog_info['demand']) - self.cost * self.order_quantity
return obj_part

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