This code generates an automatic call to Weapon constructor
Weapon club = Weapon("crude spiked club");
//constructor call
HumanA bob("Bob", club);
//Constructor definition
HumanA(std::string onename, Weapon theweapon);
Otherway, this constructor definition does not call the Weapon constructor
HumanA::HumanA(std::string onename, Weapon& theweapon);
Attention here to validate access permission. You need to be sure that file has read permision. You need to be sure the folder where is located the readfila has write permision. You need to be sure that the write file you are going to create does not exist.
Additionaly, verify that original text to replace is not empty. Consider escape secuences in boht strings.
I solved it thanks to this video
In function of the level, a differnt private function will be called.
void _debug( void ) const;
void _info( void ) const;
void _warning( void ) const;
void _error( void ) const;
At this level of course we can not use maps.
I use two arrays instead.
One, holds the capitalized level names "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR".It is an array of N strings.
other, holds pointers to methods using this syntax &Harl::method name. It is an array of pointers to methods.
IMHO this is the key for this project
void (Harl::*_generic_f[N])(void) const;
--v-- ------v-----
| |
\ Like methods signature /
void (Harl::*_generic_f[N])(void) const;
\ Pointer to something inside the class
void (Harl::*_generic_f[N])(void) const;
\ Array definition wiht N elements
void (Harl::*_generic_f[N])(void) const;
\ attribute name
The class constructor carefully initilizes both arrays to correctly link level string with function pointers.
std::cout << "Harl Constructor called" << std::endl;
this->_levels[0] = "DEBUG";
this->_levels[1] = "INFO";
this->_levels[2] = "WARNING";
this->_levels[3] = "ERROR";
this->_generic_f[0] = &Harl::_debug;
this->_generic_f[1] = &Harl::_info;
this->_generic_f[2] = &Harl::_warning;
this->_generic_f[3] = &Harl::_error;
i loop _levels to find the right function_idx.