bitscrub walks a directory tree and writes/updates/verifies the CRC32C of each file, stored a xattr. This is useful for detecting bitrot on filesystems with no data checksum functionality.
(time_marked, mtime, checksum)
data is stored in the user._C
Write new checksums and update checksums where file has mtime != checksum time:
bitscrub -w ~/
Verify checksums only:
bitscrub -v ~/
will print messages starting with CORRUPT
if the CRC32C is up to date but does not match the file contents.
Write/update checksums and verify existing checksums:
bitscrub -vw ~/
Inspect checksum xattr:
bitscrub -i FILENAME
# bitscrub --help
usage: [-h] [-v] [-w] [-i] [-q] [-l LISTING] [-n] PATH [PATH ...]
Walks a directory tree and reads and/or writes the CRC32C of each file to a
xattr "user._C". Useful for detecting bitrot. --verify, --write, and --inspect
can be combined. If none of these are specified, files will be checked only
for lack of checksum data or updated mtime.
positional arguments:
PATH a file or directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verify verify already-stored checksums to detect file
-w, --write calculate and write checksums for files that have no
checksum, or have an updated mtime
-i, --inspect print information about existing checksum data
-q, --quiet don't print both important and unimportant messages to
stderr; still print important messages to stdout
-l LISTING, --listing LISTING
generate a file listing into this file (columns:
dentry type, CRC32C, mtime, size, filename)
-n, --normalize-listing
print relative path