Author: Luke Styles, [email protected]
License: GPL V2
This repository contains Python code written as coursework for the couse CSCI 5525: Machine Learning (professor: Arindam Bannerjee) at the University of Minnesota in Fall 2013. All code is the original work of the author. I have included the UCI Mushroom dataset for demo purposes, but the code should perform on any numerical data.
Dependency: numpy
Included Functions ----
-> hw2.dstumpIG('Mushroom.csv') - Random forest of decision stumps using information gain.
-> hw2.dstumpGI('Mushroom.csv') - Random forest of two-layer decision trees using Gini Index.
-> hw2.myAdaBoost('Mushroom.csv', num_stumpts) - AdaBoost using decision stumps and info gain.