This is the Logpoint backend for pySigma. It provides the package sigma.backends.logpoint
with the Logpoint
Further, it contains the processing pipieline sigma.pipelines.logpoint
, which performs field mapping and error handling.
The sigma.pipelines.logpoint module
includes the following processing pipelines:
: This pipeline is designed to convert Sigma rules into queries specifically tailored for the Windows event logging format used by Logpoint.
The Logpoint backend supports the following log sources/rule types:
- Windows Sysmon
- Windows
- To use Sigma CLI (the Sigma Rule Converter) and its underlying library, ensure you have Python version 3.8 or higher installed.
- Install dependent pysigma verison 0.11.18. Installing other versions may output errors.
pip3 install pysigma==0.11.18
- Install sigma-cli, command line tool for sigma rule conversion
pip3 install sigma-cli
- After installing Sigma CLI, you need to add the Logpoint backend plugin. Choose one of the following methods:
sigma plugin install logpoint
pip3 install pysigma-backend-logpoint
Once the packages are successfully installed, you can convert Sigma rules into Logpoint queries using the command below. For example, to convert the Suspicious Process Masquerading As SvcHost.EXE
sigma convert -t logpoint -p logpoint_windows rules/windows/process_creation/proc_creation_win_svchost_masqueraded_execution.yml
╰─$ sigma convert -t logpoint -p logpoint_windows rules/windows/process_creation/proc_creation_win_svchost_masqueraded_execution.yml
Parsing Sigma rules [####################################] 100%
label="Create" label="Process" "process"="*\svchost.exe" - ("process" IN ["C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe", "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe"] OR file="svchost.exe")
This backend is in its preliminary stage, which means there may be issues with query conversion from uncommon log types and it does not yet support conversion from all log sources covered by Sigma. Attempting to convert such rule types may result in an error.
This backend is currently maintained by Logpoint, with contributions from the following individuals:
If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to open a new issue.