Merge pull request #611 from lmfit/v0.9.15
Version 0.9.15 is the last release that supports Python 2.7; it now also fully suports Python 3.8.
New features, improvements, and bug fixes:
- move application of parameter bounds to setter instead of getter (PR #587)
- add support for non-array Jacobian types in least_squares (Issue #588, @ezwelty in PR #589)
- add more information (i.e., acor and acceptance_fraction) about emcee fit (@j-zimmermann in PR #593)
- "name" is now a required positional argument for Parameter class, update the magic methods (PR #595)
- fix nvars count and bound handling in confidence interval calculations (Issue #597, PR #598)
- support Python 3.8; requires asteval >= 0.9.16 (PR #599)
- only support emcee version 3 (i.e., no PTSampler anymore) (PR #600)
- fix and refactor prob_func in confidence interval calculations (PR #604)
- fix adding Parameters with custom user-defined symbols (Issue #607, PR #608; thanks to @gbouvignies for the report)
- bump requirements to LTS version of SciPy/ NumPy and code clean-up (PR #591)
- documentation updates (PR #596, and others)
- improve test coverage and Travis CI updates (PR #595, and others)
- update pre-commit hooks and configuration in setup.cfg
To-be deprecated:
- function Parameter.isParameter and conversion from uncertainties.core.Variable to value in _getval (PR #595)