Confirmed to work with Adafruit Huzzah ESP32 on April 3, 2021
Previous version had code for Adafruit 128x64 OLED and has been removed as it has not been completely debugged.
6.5: Changes either due to board (Adafruit ESP32 Feather) or wanting specific
actions from defined words
Approximate line numbers
60-67: redefined IP to be uint32_t to fix compile error
415: redefined LED_PIN to be 13 for ESP32 Feather
729: redefined DUTY to call ledcWrite to allow for simpler PWM setup
904: changed boot message to 6.5
910: more changes for onboard LED pin 13
951: changed baud rate to 2000000 from 115200
Added primitive words: (See Appendix 2 for details as to how to add a primitive)
?keyt ( -- key ) – test for key entered [if (Serial.available() == 0)]
GTIMM ( -- time ) - get a microsecond time on to stack [micros()]
LED ( level -- ) - set onboard LED high/low [digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, level)]
> ( n1 n2 -- bool ) – set bool to eval of n1 > n2 [>]
IPUN ( pin -- ) - set pin to be an INPUT_PULLUP [pinMode()]
GTIME ( -- time ) - get a millisecond time on to stack [millis()]
DREAD ( pin -- ) - read a digital value on a pin [digitalRead()]
DWRT ( level pin -- ) - set a digital pin high/low [digitalWrite()]
OPIN ( pin -- ) - set pin to be an OUTPUT [pinMode()]
IPIN ( pin -- ) - set pin to be an INPUT [pinMode()]
Complete Forth Written in C
Lief Koepsel made edits to espForth 6.2 by CH Ting
My goal is the same as CH Ting, to use Forth to help students understand
Forth and use it to gain a further understanding of working
with microcontrollers
All mistakes made are made by me.
I appreciate the incredible effort, great documentation and
ease of implementation, CH Ting has put into espForth.
CH Ting
Use this code along with my website for information on using Forth with microcontrollers.
You may download or clone the entire repository, however, the folder esp32Forth_65 contains the specific code required by the Aruduino IDE and the ESP32 board.
- esp32Forth_65.ino - the main program required by the IDE to compile into Forth
- data/load.txt - additional commands for LED's, button etc