Created by: Logan Moon, Yongda Li
What is this?: This is a 2d platformer written using Unity2018. The game takes place on an unknown planet where the main character "Barry" has crash landed. In order to repair his damaged ship, Barry must collect various part that have been scattered around the area. Unfortunatelly the planet is dotted with caves, and the parts Barry requires have fallen into them. To escape Barry must collect these parts while dodging/killing the deadly lifeforms that inhabit the planet.
How do I run this?: Opening the "JetpackManProject" folder in the unity editor should allow anyone to open the game as a unity project. However since Unity tends to not get along with Git from time to time, there is also a precompiled executable for anyone just interested in playing the game.
Notes: The Networking elements of the game, i.e. the multiplayer portion, is still very buggy and will likely go unfixed.