This Git is not A Project something, I use it to teach students; it's like a lecture notes.
it have some demo, code or something;
- android 是什么
- JAVA or Kotlin
- Activity, Service, Broadcast, ContentProvider
- Project struct
- Gradle
- java, res, assets
- lib, arr, jar
- DP and PX and DPI and Pt
- Material UI
- Base Views and Layout
- Exercise: A Login Activity
- Activity 生命周期
- Java - Object: int, long, String...
- Java - 面向对象
- public, private, protected
- class, extends
- interface, implements
- findViewByID();
- onClick Listener;
- Exercise: A Login Activity, input & check values
- Activity 生命周期
- process and Thread
- intent -> new Activity, Service...
- intent with data;
- IPC, Broadcast;
- Exercise: start a new Activity
- start, startForResult
- finish(); and set data before finish();
- Exercise: a HomePage Activity
- fragment and ViewPager.
- ListView and RecycleView
- Adapter and ViewHolder
- other base view: TextView, Button, etc.
- View source code review
- Understand View How it draw on screen
I use Android Studio IDE wrote it; some links could jump into file;