Welcome to our command line app for brokers between galleries and clients.
Fork and clone this repository.
In your terminal, make sure homebrew is up to dat by typing “brew install” then type in “bundle install” for below gems:
gem "sinatra-activerecord" gem "sqlite3" gem "pry" gem "require_all" gem "faker" gem "tty-prompt" gem "lolcat" gem "colorize" gem "tty-file" gem "figlet"
In the 'environment.rb' file comment 'ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 1', in the terminal, type “rake db:migrate” to create tables, then “rake db:seed” to create some dummy data to play around then uncomment 'ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 1'.
Now you are ready for the app! on the main directory type "ruby bin/run.rb".