2018 - I had joined a win32 SDK class in Pune. This repo contains all the code I wrote during the course of the class.
##List of technologies we learned.
- Windowing on Windows
- Device context, painting, event driven architecture, message loop ...
- Dialog boxes - modal, modeless
- Threading, DLL, implicit linking, explicit linking, load library
- Class factory
- Containment, Aggregation
- Automation
- RCW / CCW - Runtime callable wrapper (using native COM in .Net) / Com callable wrapper (using .Net components in native)
- .Net
- WinRt
**IMPORTANT: ** Open the .sln file in Visual Studio (2017) to see a proper folder structure. On disk file layout won't make much sense.
Machine : Dell Precision 5510 Windows 10 16299 build (Enterprise 64 bit) IDE : Visual stuio 2017 Professional
Project was originally developed on Bitbucket, then later migrated to github.com.