On October 5 and 6 2017, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) organized a data analysis workshop to learn and confer about the LifeWatch network for harbour porpoise detection in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS).
The workshop dealt with both the information potential of the ecological data, as well as the network structure and possible improvements to its design. First, general approaches to explore the data, both in space and time, were discussed. Next, different research questions regarding the spatiotemporal distribution of harbour porpoises were examined in small groups. The second day comprised of various topics concerning the optimization of the sensor network: the optimal number and position of stations, how to deal with noisy and low-quality data, favourable recording settings and mooring types. Finally, a comparison of C-Pod data with aerial data (RBIN) for porpoise detections were compared. All data and scripts used and developed during this workshop are available through the LifeWatch github.
Lifewatch needs to be cited if these data are used. http://www.vliz.be/nl/imis?module=dataset&dasid=5531, Citatie: Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium (2015): LifeWatch observatory data: passive accoustic network (CPOD) for Cetacean detection
More information on Lifewatch and Lifewatch observatory can be found on http://www.lifewatch.be/en/sensors