(unit 6 of TechDegree)
Jeanene Cannon Portfolio: In addition to completing this portfolio as required, I also made the following improvements:
- Changed the background color of the sidebar.
- Changed the text color on the sidebar.
- Added Background Color to the 'back' button on the header/footer.
- Added background color to the Home Page Bio Section.
- Added a shadow box to the projects on the Home Page.
- Added an H2 Text line to the Home Page.
- Changed the text color on the Home Page.
- Changed color of the border on the Home Page.
- Added a picture to my About Page.
- Added a color line to css to change the color of the project titles which were set to standard google purple once clicked. (Advanced code provided to me by Student Support Specialist, Brian Jensen).
- Added a special/advanced code in project.pug which allowed me to not just iterate through and post the required two images to my projects, but also the 5 images for one of my projects. This code was provided to me courtesy of Student Support Specialist, Brian Jensen - to replace my code that only populated the required two pics per project.