This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a simple Node.js app to IBM Cloud. The app you are going to deploy is a server-side app that responds to HTTP GET
requests and returns a simple text message Hello World!
Create a free account at Write down your ID and password.
Download the sample app to your home directory.
cd ~
git clone
- It is always a good idea to verify that the app is working fine in your local machine before deploying it to the cloud.
Go into the folder containing the server-side app.
cd ~/ibmcloud/helloworld
Install the app's dependencies.
npm install
Run the server app.
npm start
- Test your app by sending to it a HTTP
request. Open in your web browser. - Stop your app by pressing Ctrl-C in your terminal.
- Make sure you are inside the folder containing the app. Remove the app's dependencies (the
cd ~/ibmcloud/helloworld
rm -rf node_modules
- Login to IBM cloud. Enter your ID and password when prompted. When prompted to Select a region, selet
bx login
bx target --cf
- Deploy (upload) your app to IBM Cloud
You need to find a unique name for your app. Apps on IBM Cloud are named where XXXXXXXX is the name of your app.
I use
as the name of my app in this tutorial. If the deployment is successful, you will be able to see your app running at
bx cf push -m 64m rs202009011306
It takes 3-4 minutes to upload the source code, provision and activate for your app in the cloud. If things go well, you will see the following messages at the end of deployment.
Waiting for app to start...
name: rs202009011306
requested state: started
last uploaded: Tue 01 Sep 15:06:50 CST 2020
stack: cflinuxfs3
buildpacks: sdk-for-nodejs
type: web
instances: 1/1
memory usage: 64M
start command: npm start
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2020-09-01T07:07:13Z 0.0% 45.7M of 64M 85.3M of 1G
- Test your app. Open the URL shown in
above in your web broswer. In this tutorial, the URL is
- To redeploy an app. Let's say we made some changes to
and we want to redeploy it.
bx cf push -m 64m rs202009011306
- To see a list of apps that you have deployed to IBM Cloud
bx cf apps
This command returns a list of apps that are running in IBM Cloud
Invoking 'cf apps'...
Getting apps in org [email protected] / space dev as [email protected]...
name requested state instances memory disk urls
rs202009011306 started 1/1 64M 1G
- To delete
in IBM cloud.
bx cf delete rs202009011306
Type yes
when prompted to confirm delete.
Invoking 'cf delete rs202009011306'...
Really delete the app rs202009011306?> yes
Deleting app rs202009011306 in org [email protected] / space dev as [email protected]...
Follow the instructions to deploy express-weather
to IBM Cloud.