This is a tool to ease the creation of scripting language bindings for a C++ library. It was initially developed to create the OpenCV bindings for Lua in Lubyk (
The generator uses Doxygen to parse C++ headers.
Homepage: lubyk/dub
Please donate so we can free up some time to write good documentation...
Currently, the parser supports:
- public methods
- public attributes read/write
- pseudo-attributes read/write by calling getter/setter methods.
- custom bindings (for methods and global functions).
- custom read/write attributes (with void *userdata helper, union handling)
- public class methods
- public static attributes read/write
- pointer to member (gc protected)
- cast(default)/copy/disable const attribute
- member pointer assignment (gc protected)
- natural casting from std::string to string type (can include '\0')
- class instantiation from templates through typedefs
- class alias through typedefs
- bindings for superclass
- automatic casting to base class
- default argument values
- overloaded functions with optimized method selection from arguments
- operator overloading (even operator[], operator() and operator+= and such)
- return value optimization (no copy)
- simple type garbage collection optimization (no __gc method)
- namespace
- nested classes
- class enums
- global enums
- build system
- group multiple bindings in a single library
- rewrite class or library names
- native Lua table wrapping setmetatable({super = obj}, Vect)
- callback from C++ with error handling in Lua (with self.error).
- error function captures current 'print' function and can be used with self._errfunc.
- fully tested
- custom method binding name
- documentation
Create an inspector that will inspect a list of headers given by 'INPUT' (a list of files and directories. You need to have Doxygen installed
local ins = dub.Inspector {
INPUT = 'foo/include',
-- optional
DOXYGEN_CMD = 'path/to/doxygen',
Create bindings:
local binder = dub.LuaBinder()
binder:bind(ins, {
output_directory = 'tmp',
You should now have a 'cpp' file for each class in tmp.
Example to build a class called 'Vect':
binder:build {
work_dir = '.',
output = 'tmp/',
inputs = {
includes = {
You can now use your class:
package.cpath = package.cpath .. 'tmp/?.so;'
require 'Vect'
local v = Vect(1,3)
v.x = 4
-- etc
Please read the tests for more detail until the documentation is updated.
The bindings are made to look as close as possible to the C++ versions. This means that constructors look like C++: Vect(1, 2). Behind the hood, this is resolved as a call to,2). By storing the 'new' function in a local variable, you can remove this small overhead.
Lua bindings usage examples:
-- Create a Car instance, Car.Noisy is a constant defined in a C++ enum.
local car = Car('my car', Car.Noisy)
-- Execute the C++ 'brandName' method.
-- Set the name of the car (public C++ attribute, a std::string here). = 'my old car'
-- Get the std::string name
-- You can store \0 in strings = 'my old car\0which I did not like'
-- Create a vector
local v1 = Vect(1,2)
local v2 = Vect(4,5)
-- Calls the overloaded operator+(). This is return value optimized to allocate a single Vect.
local v3 = v1 + v2
-- operator*(double d)
v3 = v1 * 4
-- cross product
-- operator*(const Vect &v)
print(v3 * Vect(1,2))