Extracts Issues (Stories) from Jira and finds dates for each Kanban stage, creating a CSV to build CFDs, Lead Time Scatterplots etc
Requires java 8
Download jira-extractor.jar https://github.com/leocampos/jira-extractor/blob/master/jira-extractor.jar?raw=true
Write a config.properties in the same directory as the jar, WRITE IT IN UTF-8
jql=type = Story AND project = YOUR_PROJECT
status_list=Backlog,Ready For Dev,In Progress,QA,Done
date_format=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
fields=Story Points
Now, in a terminal, run the following command java -jar jira-extractor.jar
If you run the above command and gets the following exception:
The problem can be solved (not so easily, though). I visited Jira using a Firefox browser, in Settings >> Advanced >> Certificates, there is a "Certificate button". Click it.
When you find the appropriate certificate, download it.
From now on, I only tested on a Mac...
No, you're not done yet, now you need to change and run the following command: sudo keytool -import -file PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_FILE -alias MEANINGFULL_ALIAS -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
** This command will ask you first your password because of your sudo, but it will also ask another one. This second one is most probably "changeit". **
It should work now