- This is a julia binary wrapper for converting .dbc files to .dbf files
- This converter was specifically adpated to converting .dbc files of DATASUS(Brasil public Healthcare information system)
>>> using Pkg
>>> Pkg.add("DBCtoDBF_jll")
>>> using DBCtoDBF_jll
>>> exe_path = dcb2dbf()
>>> run(`$exe_path $input_file $output_file`) # input_file = file.dbc # output_file = file.dbF
- Wrapper has been added to function created here for converting .dbc Datasus files into data frame tables https://github.com/lego-yaw/DBCDatasus.jl
- This project is based on the work of https://github.com/madler/zlib/tree/master/contrib/blast and https:// github.com/eaglebh/blast-dbf and the R version developed by danicat(https://github.com/danicat/read.dbc). Also this package wouldn't have been possible without DBFTable (https://github.com/JuliaData/DBFTables.jl)
- if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact at [email protected]