a1_total_energy_initial -uses IEA indicators to get intensity estimates for all economies out to 2100 -multiplies intensity by population projections to get total energy projection out to 2100 -plots comparison of total energy between IEA-derived, esto, and the 8th outlook -generates csv file to be used in fuel split that has the total energy projected from IEA source to 2100
b1_fuel_split_ratio -calculates the proportion of each fuel type in each subsector (srv and res) to the total fuel use
b2_fuel_split_projection -uses fuel split proportion multiplied by total energy to get fuel amount estimates out to 2100 -compares fuel amounts between this estimate and the 1st iteration of the 9th outlook (8th results appended from 2022 onward to esto reported values) -divided by the population for each fuel to get intensity, can use the intensity to project and make assumptions abou efficiency in the next part -adjustments in the next part could also be done to end use if we can figure out how to project that
c1_projection_adjust_function -defines the function used to adjust (intensity) trajectory
c2_intensity_adjustments -implements the f(x) for needed economies and fuels -concatenates all files into one large file with intensity for each economy and fuel -can multiply intensity by pop to get back to energy