To sync home with this repo, open Terminal as user leaf
and run
xcode-select --install
git init && \
git remote add origin [email protected]:leaferiksen/mac-home.git && \
git fetch && \
git checkout -f main
To install Homebrew elevate session to admin
and run
su - admin
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" && \
sudo chown -R leaf /opt/homebrew/
Spotlight → Full Disk Access → Terminal, then restart Terminal and run
softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license && \
chmod -R +w /opt/homebrew && \
./.config/setup/ && \
skhd --start-service && \
./.config/setup/ && \
./.config/setup/ && \
./.config/setup/ && \
Download Karabiner Elements, LuLu and LM Studio from their websites
Settings → Search:
- Night Shift options → Schedule → set Sunrise to Sunset
- Control Center → Weather → set Show in Menu Bar
- Language input methods → add Japanese - Romaji
- Keyboard Shortcuts → Input Sources - disable both (log out to apply)