Taught by Dr. Roger Wainwright in SP 2023.
Experiments with the following techniques to solve the P-Median problem.
A simple genetic algorithm
- Roulette, Rank, and Tournament selection
- Single-Point, Double-Point, and Uniform crossover
- Simple and Hyperheuristic mutation
A simulated annealing algorithm.
- Simple and Hyperheuristic perbutation.
A foolish hill climbing algorithm.
- Similiar implementation to simulated annealing, except 'worse' chromosomes are not considered at all.
Fun fact:
- For the largest dataset in this repo, there are C(240, 15) = 247,012,484,980,695,576,597,296 possible combinations!!!
- This is easily in the range of an NP-Hard problem
Algorithm constants:
- 100 epochs
- Population size of 25
- 100% crossover rate
- 5% mutation rate
Small dataset
Medium dataset
Large dataset