- npm i to install dependancies
- npm start to start running the fast development mode Webpack build process that bundle files into the dist folder
- npm i --save-dev <package_name> to install new packages
- npm i to install dependencies.
- Create a .env in the root directory of the project.
- Add: MONGODB_URL=<your_mongoDB_url> and JWT_KEY<JWT_private_key>
- npm start to start the server.
- Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions/
- Toggle on Developer mode in the top right corner
- Click Load unpacked
- Select the entire dist folder
- npm run build to generate a minimized production build in the dist folder
- ZIP the entire dist folder (e.g. dist.zip)
- Publish the ZIP file on the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard!
- git init to start a new git repo for tracking your changes, do an initial base commit with all the default files
- Update package.json, important fields include author, version, name and description
- Update manifest.json, important fields include version, name and description
- Update webpack.commmon.js, the title in the getHtmlPlugins function should be your extension name
- Folders get flattened, static references to images from HTML do not need to be relative (i.e. icon.png instead of ../static/icon.png)
- Importing local js/jsx/ts/tsx/css files should be relative, since Webpack will build a dependancy graph using these paths
- Update the manifest file as per usual for chrome related permissions, references to files in here should also be flattened and not be relative