#game #About the game
HTML: This sets up the basic structure of the page, including the game area and score display.
CSS: This styles the game area and the box. The game area has a fixed size, and the box is styled to be a red square.
JavaScript: This contains the game logic.
startGame(): Initializes the game, starts the countdown, and moves the box every second. moveBox(): Randomly positions the box within the game area. Box click event listener: Increases the score and moves the box to a new random position when clicked. endGame(): Ends the game, hides the box, and shows an alert with the final score.
tic-tac-toe HTML:
A simple structure with a 3x3 grid for the game board. A status div to display game status messages. A reset button to reset the game.
Styles for the game board to make it look like a Tic-Tac-Toe board. Basic styling for cells, status text, and the reset button.
Initializes the game state, including the current player, game board, and game status. handleCellClick function to handle player moves, update the game board, and check for wins or draws. checkWin function to determine if the current player has won. resetGame function to reset the game state for a new game.