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Jean-BaptisteBouvier authored Dec 12, 2024
1 parent a351212 commit b3b5013
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360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions InvertedPendulum/
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@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
Created on Wed Feb 21 9:15:08 2024
@author: Jean-Baptiste Bouvier
PPO implementation from
Added the POLICEd layers from
Modified the POLICE algorithm:
in function 'enforce_constraint_forward'
sign = agreement[:, invalid_ones].float().sum(0).sub_(C/2 + 1e-3).sign_()
sign = agreement[:, invalid_ones].half().sum(0).sub_(C/2 + 1e-3).sign_()
as the half() was reducing the precision and the sign could end up being 0,
which renders this function ineffective.
To help train the POLICEd policy, it starts with a buffer of size 0, i.e., no
affine region. Once the reward is high enough the affine region is slowly enlarged until
reaching the desired size, see Enlarging_POLICEd_Gaussian_Actor

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from import BatchSampler, SubsetRandomSampler
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.distributions import Normal

def enforce_constraint_forward(x, W, b, C):
"""Perform a forward pass on the given `x` argument which contains both the `C` vertices
describing the region `R` onto which the DNN is constrained to stay affine, and the mini-batch"""
h = x @ W.T + b
V = h[-C:]
with torch.no_grad():
agreement = V > 0
invalid_ones = agreement.all(0).logical_not_().logical_and_(agreement.any(0))
sign = agreement[:, invalid_ones].float().sum(0).sub_(C/2 + 1e-3).sign_()

extra_bias = (V[:, invalid_ones] * sign - 1e-4).amin(0).clamp(max=0) * sign
h[:, invalid_ones] -= extra_bias
return h

class ConstrainedLayer(nn.Linear):
def forward(self, x, C):
return enforce_constraint_forward(x, self.weight, self.bias, C)

### With buffer starting from 0 and progressively enlarging
class Enlarging_POLICEd_Gaussian_Actor(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args):
super(Enlarging_POLICEd_Gaussian_Actor, self).__init__()
self.nb_layers = 3
self.width = args.hidden_width
self.layer_0 = ConstrainedLayer(args.state_dim, self.width)
self.layer_1 = ConstrainedLayer(self.width, self.width)
self.layer_2 = ConstrainedLayer(self.width, args.action_dim)

self.log_std = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, args.action_dim)) # We use 'nn.Parameter' to train log_std automatically
self.buffer_vertices = torch.tensor(args.buffer_vertices, dtype=torch.float32)
self.num_vertices = self.buffer_vertices.shape[0]
self.use_state_norm = args.use_state_norm

# Orthogonal layer initialization
orthogonal_init(self.layer_2, gain=0.01)

### Affine buffer
self.buffer_center = torch.ones((self.num_vertices, 1)) @ self.buffer_vertices.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
### Initial buffer vertices of volume 0
self.vertices = self.buffer_center.clone()

### Counting iterations to slowly enlarge the buffer once allowed
self.iter = 0
self.max_iter = args.max_iter_enlargment
### Initially not allowed to enlarge the buffer
self.enlarge_buffer = False

def enlarging_buffer(self):
"""Iteratively enlarges the affine buffer until reaching the desired volume."""
self.iter += 1
if self.iter > self.max_iter:
self.enlarge_buffer = False
print("Buffer reached full size")

if self.iter % 10 == 0:
a = self.iter/self.max_iter
self.vertices = a*self.buffer_vertices + (1-a)*self.buffer_center

def forward(self, s, state_norm=None, update=True):
if self.enlarge_buffer:

if self.use_state_norm:
s = state_norm(s, update=update)
v = state_norm(self.vertices, update=False)
with torch.no_grad():
s = (s, v), dim=0)
with torch.no_grad():
s = (s, self.vertices), dim=0)

s = torch.relu(self.layer_0(s, self.num_vertices))
s = torch.relu(self.layer_1(s, self.num_vertices))
s = self.layer_2(s, self.num_vertices)
mean = s[:-self.num_vertices]
return mean

def get_dist(self, s, state_norm):
mean = self.forward(s, state_norm)
log_std = self.log_std.expand_as(mean) # To make 'log_std' have the same dimension as 'mean'
std = torch.exp(log_std) # The reason we train the 'log_std' is to ensure std=exp(log_std)>0
dist = Normal(mean, std) # Get the Gaussian distribution
return dist

### Original without buffer enlargment
class POLICEd_Gaussian_Actor(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args):
super(POLICEd_Gaussian_Actor, self).__init__()
self.nb_layers = 3
self.width = args.hidden_width
self.layer_0 = ConstrainedLayer(args.state_dim, self.width)
self.layer_1 = ConstrainedLayer(self.width, self.width)
self.layer_2 = ConstrainedLayer(self.width, args.action_dim)

self.log_std = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, args.action_dim)) # We use 'nn.Parameter' to train log_std automatically
self.buffer_vertices = torch.tensor(args.buffer_vertices, dtype=torch.float32)
self.num_vertices = self.buffer_vertices.shape[0]
self.use_state_norm = args.use_state_norm

# Orthogonal layer initialization
orthogonal_init(self.layer_2, gain=0.01)

def forward(self, s, state_norm=None, update=True):
if self.use_state_norm:
s = state_norm(s, update=update)
v = state_norm(self.buffer_vertices, update=False)
with torch.no_grad():
s = (s, v), dim=0)
with torch.no_grad():
s = (s, self.buffer_vertices), dim=0)

s = torch.relu(self.layer_0(s, self.num_vertices))
s = torch.relu(self.layer_1(s, self.num_vertices))
s = self.layer_2(s, self.num_vertices)
mean = s[:-self.num_vertices]
return mean

def get_dist(self, s, state_norm):
mean = self.forward(s, state_norm)
log_std = self.log_std.expand_as(mean) # To make 'log_std' have the same dimension as 'mean'
std = torch.exp(log_std) # The reason we train the 'log_std' is to ensure std=exp(log_std)>0
dist = Normal(mean, std) # Get the Gaussian distribution
return dist

# Orthogonal initialization of NN layers
def orthogonal_init(layer, gain=1.0):
nn.init.orthogonal_(layer.weight, gain=gain)
nn.init.constant_(layer.bias, 0)

# unPOLICEd baseline Gaussian actor
class Gaussian_Actor(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args):
super(Gaussian_Actor, self).__init__()
self.nb_layers = 3
self.width = args.hidden_width
self.layer_0 = nn.Linear(args.state_dim, self.width)
self.layer_1 = nn.Linear(self.width, self.width)
self.layer_2 = nn.Linear(self.width, args.action_dim)
self.log_std = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, args.action_dim)) # We use 'nn.Parameter' to train log_std automatically
self.use_state_norm = args.use_state_norm

# Orthogonal initialization
orthogonal_init(self.layer_2, gain=0.01)

def forward(self, s, state_norm=None):
if self.use_state_norm:
s = state_norm(s)
s = torch.relu(self.layer_0(s))
s = torch.relu(self.layer_1(s))
mean = self.layer_2(s)
return mean

def get_dist(self, s, state_norm):
mean = self.forward(s, state_norm)
log_std = self.log_std.expand_as(mean) # To make 'log_std' have the same dimension as 'mean'
std = torch.exp(log_std) # The reason we train the 'log_std' is to ensure std=exp(log_std)>0
dist = Normal(mean, std) # Get the Gaussian distribution
return dist

class Critic(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args):
super(Critic, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(args.state_dim, args.hidden_width)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(args.hidden_width, args.hidden_width)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(args.hidden_width, 1)

# Orthogonal initialization

def forward(self, s):
s = torch.relu(self.fc1(s))
s = torch.relu(self.fc2(s))
v_s = self.fc3(s)
return v_s

class PPO():
def __init__(self, args):
self.max_action = args.max_action
self.batch_size = args.batch_size
self.mini_batch_size = args.mini_batch_size
self.max_train_steps = args.max_train_steps
self.lr_a = args.lr_a # Learning rate of actor
self.lr_c = args.lr_c # Learning rate of critic
self.gamma = args.gamma # Discount factor
self.lamda = args.lamda # GAE parameter
self.epsilon = args.epsilon # PPO clip parameter
self.K_epochs = args.K_epochs # PPO parameter
self.entropy_coef = args.entropy_coef # Entropy coefficient
self.set_adam_eps = args.set_adam_eps
self.use_grad_clip = args.use_grad_clip
self.use_lr_decay = args.use_lr_decay
self.use_adv_norm = args.use_adv_norm
self.use_state_norm = args.use_state_norm

if args.POLICEd:
if args.enlarging_buffer: = Enlarging_POLICEd_Gaussian_Actor(args)
else: = POLICEd_Gaussian_Actor(args)
else: = Gaussian_Actor(args)
self.critic = Critic(args)

if self.set_adam_eps: # Trick 9: set Adam epsilon=1e-5
self.optimizer_actor = torch.optim.Adam(, lr=self.lr_a, eps=1e-5)
self.optimizer_critic = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic.parameters(), lr=self.lr_c, eps=1e-5)
self.optimizer_actor = torch.optim.Adam(, lr=self.lr_a)
self.optimizer_critic = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic.parameters(), lr=self.lr_c)

def evaluate(self, s, state_norm=None): # When evaluating the policy, we only use the mean
if self.use_state_norm:
assert state_norm is not None, "State normalization is required"
s = torch.unsqueeze(torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float), 0)
a =, state_norm).detach().numpy().flatten()
return a

def choose_action(self, s, state_norm=None):
if self.use_state_norm:
assert state_norm is not None, "State normalization is required"
s = torch.unsqueeze(torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float), 0)

with torch.no_grad():
dist =, state_norm)
a = dist.sample() # Sample the action according to the probability distribution
a_logprob = dist.log_prob(a) # The log probability density of the action
return a.numpy().flatten(), a_logprob.numpy().flatten()

def update(self, replay_buffer, total_steps, state_norm):
s, a, a_logprob, r, s_, dw, done = replay_buffer.numpy_to_tensor() # Get training data
batch_size = a.shape[0]
Calculate the advantage using GAE
'dw=True' means dead or win, there is no next state s'
'done=True' represents the terminal of an episode(dead or win or reaching the max_episode_steps). When calculating the adv, if done=True, gae=0
adv = []
gae = 0
with torch.no_grad(): # adv and v_target have no gradient
vs = self.critic(s)
vs_ = self.critic(s_)
deltas = r + self.gamma * (1.0 - dw) * vs_ - vs
for delta, d in zip(reversed(deltas.flatten().numpy()), reversed(done.flatten().numpy())):
gae = delta + self.gamma * self.lamda * gae * (1.0 - d)
adv.insert(0, gae)
adv = torch.tensor(adv, dtype=torch.float).view(-1, 1)
v_target = adv + vs
if self.use_adv_norm: # Trick 1:advantage normalization
adv = ((adv - adv.mean()) / (adv.std() + 1e-5))

# Optimize policy for K epochs:
for _ in range(self.K_epochs):
# Random sampling and no repetition. 'False' indicates that training will continue even if the number of samples in the last time is less than mini_batch_size
# for index in BatchSampler(SubsetRandomSampler(range(self.batch_size)), self.mini_batch_size, False):
for index in BatchSampler(SubsetRandomSampler(range(batch_size)), self.mini_batch_size, False):
dist_now =[index], state_norm)
dist_entropy = dist_now.entropy().sum(1, keepdim=True) # shape(mini_batch_size X 1)
a_logprob_now = dist_now.log_prob(a[index])
# a/b=exp(log(a)-log(b)) In multi-dimensional continuous action space,we need to sum up the log_prob
ratios = torch.exp(a_logprob_now.sum(1, keepdim=True) - a_logprob[index].sum(1, keepdim=True)) # shape(mini_batch_size X 1)

surr1 = ratios * adv[index] # Only calculate the gradient of 'a_logprob_now' in ratios
surr2 = torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.epsilon, 1 + self.epsilon) * adv[index]
actor_loss = -torch.min(surr1, surr2) - self.entropy_coef * dist_entropy # Trick 5: policy entropy
# Update actor
if self.use_grad_clip: # Trick 7: Gradient clip
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(, 0.5)

v_s = self.critic(s[index])
critic_loss = F.mse_loss(v_target[index], v_s)
# Update critic
if self.use_grad_clip: # Trick 7: Gradient clip
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic.parameters(), 0.5)

if self.use_lr_decay: # Trick 6:learning rate Decay

def lr_decay(self, total_steps):
lr_a_now = self.lr_a * (1 - total_steps / self.max_train_steps)
lr_c_now = self.lr_c * (1 - total_steps / self.max_train_steps)
for p in self.optimizer_actor.param_groups:
p['lr'] = lr_a_now
for p in self.optimizer_critic.param_groups:
p['lr'] = lr_c_now

def save(self, filename):, filename + "_critic"), filename + "_critic_optimizer"), filename + "_actor"), filename + "_actor_optimizer")

def load(self, filename):
self.critic.load_state_dict(torch.load(filename + "_critic"))
self.optimizer_critic.load_state_dict(torch.load(filename + "_critic_optimizer")) + "_actor"))
self.optimizer_actor.load_state_dict(torch.load(filename + "_actor_optimizer"))


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