Cross-Platform (At least Win64 (Untested) and Linux64)
Simulate Co-Simulation FMUs within the Unreal Engine environment.
This MVP relies on the FMIKit repositorty (non-simulink portion)
Special thanks to Torsten Sommer for his work on FMIKit!
Architecture and some of the code (XML parser) based on: ORNL-Modelica/UnrealEngine-FMIPlugin
Thanks to the Chair of Mechatronics at the University Augsburg, Germany for allowing me to work on this as a research project.
This work was tested using the following. It may work on something else but no gurantees.
- Arch Linux rolling (should not matter, since UE4 ships its own toolchain on linux)
- Unreal Engine 4.24 source build
- ue4cli
- Conan UE4 Cli and l0wl3vels fork of ue4-conan-recipes
- IDE: VS Code
This repo contains the pre-compiled dependencies for UE4.24. For any other version you need to clone and build the dependencies libzip and elzip from my ue4-conan-recipes fork
Follow the following steps to get this project up and running on your own computer.
Download and unzip the folder into your desired location OR clone the repository.
Generate VSCode project files :
pathtoUE/GenerateProjectFiles.sh -projectfiles -project='pathto/UnrealEngine-FMIPlugin/FMIPlugin/FMIPlugin.uproject' -game -rocket -progress -VSCode
Open the FMIPlugin/FMIPlugin.code-workspace in VS Code
Press CTRL+Shift+P and select "Task: Run Build Task" and select "FMIPlugin Linux Development Build" and "FMIPluginEditor Linux Development Build"
When the build finished successfully open the FMIPlugin.uproject in UE4
When warned about the engine version click on "more options" and "Convert in place" (This may take a while)
The Modelica files are included in the Modelica
FMUs are generated using openmodelica 1.17.0 with modelica-4.0.0 with source code included, so a tool like fmpy can be used to easily recompile on other platforms.
- PT2.fmu
- Radaufhaengung.fmu: Wheel suspension with one point fixed (Did not get this to work)
- RadaufhaengungNeu.fmu: New different implementation of a wheel suspension
Ship with Conan dependency prebuiltsStandalone Play does not work currently- Implement distinctions for causality and variability for FMI variables
- Update documentation
- Write test cases
Support more variable typesSupport multiple FMU instances- Build better example projects
Better simulation parameter setup- Validate Windows support