Convert Excel files to delimited text
For usage, run excel2txt --help
usage: excel2txt [-h] [-o str] [-d str] [-D] [-n] [--version] FILE [FILE ...]
Convert Excel files to delimited text
positional arguments:
FILE Input Excel file(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o str, --outdir str Output directory (default:
-d str, --delimiter str
Delimiter for output file (default: )
-D, --mkdirs Create separate directories for output files (default:
-n, --normalize Normalize headers (default: False)
--version show program's version number and exit
Given one or more Excel files as positional parameters, the program will create an output text file in the given output directory (which defaults to the current working directory).
For example:
$ excel2txt tests/test1.xlsx
1: tests/test1.xlsx
Done, see output in "/Users/kyclark/work/python/excel2txt-py".
Now you should have a file called "test1__sheet1.txt" in the current directory. You could use the "csvchk" program to see the structure of this file:
$ csvchk test1__sheet1.txt
// ****** Record 1 ****** //
name : Ed
rank : Captain
serial_number : 12345
If you are processing multiple files, you might find the "--mkdirs" option useful to put all the sheets from each workbook into a separate directories:
$ ./ tests/*.xlsx --outdir out --mkdirs
1: tests/test1.xlsx
2: tests/test2.xlsx
Done, see output in "/Users/kyclark/work/python/excel2txt-py/out".
In the "out" directory, there will be "test1" and "test2" directories:
$ find out -type f
You can use the "--delimiter" option to change the output file delimiter.
The "--normalize" option will alter the headers of each output file to lowercase values and remove non-alphanumeric characters or the underscore. This will also break "CamelCase" values into "snake_case."
This same normalization will be used to create the output file names so as to avoid any possibility of creating output files with illegal or difficult characters.
csvkit, csvchk, Rust implementation
Ken Youens-Clark [email protected]