Xcode playgrounds on iOS, with Cocoapods integrated.
You can use this workspace to quickly try out any RxSwift-based code of unclear behavior. The fastest way to use it:
- Open RxPlaygrounds.xcworkspace in Xcode >= 9.
- Select MyPlayground from the Project navigator.
- Start scetching some ideas!
If you see the No such module 'RxSwift'
error, just build the project once (⌘B) and the error should disappear.
In order to add a new playground to the project:
- Create a new playground using File > New > Playground...
- Place it in the repository root, next to
. - Xcode will open the new playground in a new window and won't add it to the RxPlaygrounds project. Close the window with the new playground, as we need to open it as part of the project.
- Right Click on the RxPlaygrounds project in the Project navigator in Xcode, then click Add files to "RxPlaygrounds".
- Select the new playground in the dialog that pops up.
- It should show up in the Project navigator, next to the other playgrounds in the project. Select it and you're good to go.
In order to add a new pod to the project:
- Edit the
. - Run
pod install
- Import any new modules that you'd like to use in
in the project. - Build the project once. (⌘B)
- Use the new modules in any playground in the project.