Server side logging tool and server that sends the logs to browser on request
- logger.js
- TYPE can be basically one word like: Info, Warning, Debug, Error or anything else.
- TAG is to be used for function name or some action.
- MSG is the actual message. This script logs the data in a files in a directory (see var logDirectory) by placing the timestamp for your and by separating the files by date for you.
There's a wrapper function logger() which can be used inside other script and you can use logger(type,tag,msg) to log to a file. logger() additionally will log to console, so you can see what is happening.
logger_server.js Logger server binds to the localhost and listens for 2 requests:
- /logs - reads the names of all files and returns them as JSON array.
- /log/YYYY-MM-DD - retursn the content of the log file for the selected date in HTML.
logread.html Client side page which uses the server and monitors the log files.