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UmiJs v4 plugin: browser extension development

This plugin allows you to develop browser extensions with UmiJS v4 using Manifest V3. It automatically scans for entry files for content_scripts, background, options, and popup based on convention-based routing. Additionally, it generates the corresponding manifest.json file.

Starting from version v1.1.0, the plugin supports compiling extensions for both Chrome and Firefox simultaneously, generating the corresponding extension files for each browser.

If you need to develop browser extensions with Manifest V2, please use umi-plugin-chromium-extension.

这个插件可以让你用UmiJs v4下开发Manifest V3浏览器扩展,通过约定式路由自动的扫描出相应目录下的content_scriptsbackgroundoptionspopup的入口文件,并自动生成相应的manifest.json文件。


若需开发Manifest V2的浏览器扩展,请使用umi-plugin-chromium-extension

Example | 示例

Install | 安装

npm i umi-plugin-browser-extension --save-dev

Usage | 用法

Configure in .umirc.ts or .umirc.js,


export default {
    plugins: [
    browserExtension: {

Options | 选项

Option / 配置项 Type / 类型 Default / 默认值 Explain 说明 Version / 版本
rootPath string ./src/pages Root path of the entry file for the code. 代码入口文件的根路径。 -
entryFileName string index.[jt]s{,x} The regular expression used to find the entry file name will automatically exclude entry files in subfolders named components, models, and utils. 寻找入口文件名称时用的正则,会自动排除入口文件夹中的子文件夹是componentsmodelsutils的入口文件。 -
configFileName string index.json When matching an entry in the content_scripts folder, it will automatically search for a configuration file in the corresponding directory. You can customize the configuration file name using this configuration option. content_scripts文件夹匹配到入口时会自动在相应目录下寻找配置文件,通过此配置项可自定义配置文件名。 -
encoding string utf-8 The encoding used for reading and writing configuration files. 读取和写入配置文件时用的编码。 -
jsCssOutputDir string `` The target subdirectories for the output of JavaScript and CSS artifacts. After setting this, the system will add corresponding subdirectories with the given names under the output directory to wrap these files, making the build artifacts clearer and more organized. If left empty, the files will be output directly to the compilation root directory. JavaScriptCSS 产物输出的目标子目录。设置后,系统将在输出目录下添加相应名称子目录以包裹这些文件,使构建产物更清晰美观。若为空,则文件直接输出到编译根目录。 -
manifestFilePath string manifest.json The relative full path to the manifest.json source file, by default in the project root directory. manifest.json源文件的相对完整路径,默认为项目根目录。 -
manifestHandler (manifest: any, target: Target) => any undefined The manifest.json source file will be passed into this function before compilation. You can modify the source file content and return the modified content. This function will be executed after the manifest.json file is read, but before the manifest.json file is written to the compilation directory. manifest.json源文件在编译前会传入此函数,你可以修改源文件内容并返回修改后的内容。此函数会在最终写入每一个target的manifest.json文件之前被执行。 v1.1.3
contentScriptsPathName string content_scripts The directory name of the content scripts directory. It will be combined with the rootPath option to generate the complete directory name of the content scripts directory, and then used to search for entry files. 内容脚本目录的目录名名称,将会合并rootPath选项生成最终内容脚本目录的完整目录名,然后以此搜索入口文件。 -
backgroundPathName string background The directory name of the background script page will be merged with the rootPath option to generate the complete directory name of the content script directory, and then use it to search for the entry file. 后台脚本页的目录名名称,将会合并rootPath选项生成最终内容脚本目录的完整目录名,然后以此搜索入口文件。 -
optionsPathName string options The directory name of the options page will be merged with the rootPath option to generate the complete directory name of the content script directory, and then use it to search for the entry file. 选项页的目录名名称,将会合并rootPath选项生成最终内容脚本目录的完整目录名,然后以此搜索入口文件。 -
optionsOpenInTab boolean true When opening the options page in the browser, whether to open it in a new tab or display it as a popup in the extension management page. Set to true to open in a new tab. 选项页在浏览器中是否用新标签页打开,还是在扩展管理页中弹出显示,设置为true时用新标签页打开。 -
optionsTitle string `` The default title of the HTML file for the options page. If left empty, it will be supplemented with the value of the name field defined in the manifest.json source file. 选项页构建的HTML文件的默认标题,设为空时将用manifest.json源文件中定义的name字段值完善。 -
popupPathName string popup The directory name of the popup page will be merged with the rootPath option to generate the complete directory name of the content script directory, and then use it to search for the entry file. 弹出页的目录名名称,将会合并rootPath选项生成最终内容脚本目录的完整目录名,然后以此搜索入口文件。 -
popupDefaultTitle string `` The default title displayed when hovering over the extension icon. If left empty, it will be supplemented with the value of the name field defined in the manifest.json source file. 鼠标悬停在扩展图标时显示的默认标题。设为空时将用manifest.json源文件中定义的name字段值完善。 -
popupDefaultIcon {[size:string]: string} {} The default icon for the extension in the top-right corner of the browser. The key is the icon size, and the value is the icon path. If left empty, it will default to the value defined in the icons field of the manifest.json source file. 扩展在浏览器右上角的默认图标,键为图标尺寸,值为图标路径。若为空则默认使用manifest.json源文件中定义的icons字段值。 -
splitChunks boolean true During build, whether to split all modules reused two or more times in the content script, options page, and popup page into the vendor.js file. Background scripts can only define a single JS file and therefore do not participate in the splitting. build时是否将内容脚本、选项页、弹出页复用2次及以上的全部模块均切分到vendor.js文件中,后台脚本只能定义单一js文件因此不参与切分。 -
splitChunksPathName string chunks The folder name where the split vendor.js file is stored by default is chunks. 切分后的vendor.js文件存放文件夹名称,默认为chunks -
targets string[] ['chrome'] Specifies the target browsers for compilation. The default is to compile only for Chrome extensions. Currently, the available options are chrome, chrome102 and firefox. Multiple selections are allowed, and when multiple targets are selected, the dev and build commands will generate compiled files for all specified target browsers simultaneously. 编译的目标浏览器。默认为只编译Chrome扩展,目前的可选值为chromechrome102firefox,可多选,多选后devbuild时将同时分别生成出目标浏览器的编译文件。 v1.1.0
clearAbsPath boolean or string true Cleans absolute path variables in the code before compression to ensure consistent build outputs across different systems and paths. Firefox requires that the compiled output must be identical to the uploaded files in any environment, hence the need to clean absolute path variables. 编译后即将压缩代码前清理代码中的绝对路径变量,以解决不同系统、不同路径下构建后的产物未能完全一致的问题。Firefox要求任意环境下编译后产物必须和上传的文件一致,因此需要清理绝对路径变量。 v1.1.4

Guidelines for writing the manifest.json source file. | manifest.json源文件编写说明

In the folder corresponding to the manifestFilePath configuration option, create a manifest.json file. By default, it is located in the project root directory. See manifest.json.

Note: Starting from version v1.1.0, you can define different manifest.json files for different targets. For example, to specify the Chrome-specific field minimum_chrome_version, create a file in the same directory as manifest.json and define the field there. Similarly, for Firefox-specific fields, create a manifest.firefox.json file. The contents of these files will be automatically merged and overridden into the manifest.json file in the build directory after compilation.

Starting from version v1.1.2, the target supports setting to chrome102. When set to chrome102, the configuration for scripts running in the main world in the content scripts will not be written into the final manifest.json during compilation. Instead, the relevant configuration will be written into main-world.json in the same directory as the final manifest.json, and users can dynamically register the main world content scripts by reading this file through service_worker.

注意: 从v1.1.0版本开始,您可以根据不同的target定义不同的manifest.json文件。例如,如果需要定义Chrome的专属字段“minimum_chrome_version”,可以在与manifest.json相同的目录下创建文件并在其中定义该字段。同样地,对于Firefox的专属字段,可以创建manifest.firefox.json 文件。这些文件的内容将在编译后自动合并并覆盖到构建目录下的manifest.json文件中。


Do not need to fill in the following fields in manifest.json: | 不需要在manifest.json中填写字段:


This field will be automatically generated based on the entry file and configuration file found in the corresponding content script directory.


This field will be automatically generated based on the entry file and configuration file found in the corresponding background script directory.


This field will be automatically generated based on the entry file found in the corresponding options page directory and the configuration options of this plugin.


This field will be automatically generated based on the entry file found in the corresponding popup page directory and the configuration options of this plugin.

Guidelines for writing the configuration file for content scripts. | 内容脚本的配置文件编写说明

Simply create a file with the same name as specified in the configFileName configuration option in the entry folder corresponding to the content script to identify it as the configuration file for the content script.

This configuration file only needs to fill in a single node content of the content_scripts configuration item in the original manifest.json file, and the js and css fields do not need to be filled.

For example:




  "matches": [
  "run_at": "document_start"

If the js and css fields are not filled, this plugin will automatically complete them based on the output.

If you have filled in the js and css fields, you only need to provide relative paths from the current folder. This plugin will automatically add prefixes based on the configuration. If code splitting is set up, the split vendor.js file will also be automatically added to the configuration.



TODO | 待实现

  • 内容脚本若处在主要运行时时单独切割代码或则不切割代码,主要运行时的代码主要负责调用页面本身上下文无法使用各种扩展Api
  • 监听内容脚本配置的改变并更新到构建产物的manifest.json中
  • 检测到新增任何入口后自动重启umijs处理
  • host_permissions、web_accessible_resources和内容脚本的matches中支持填入变量 <matches_urls>, 若填入该变量则最终输出的manifest.json中该变量自动替换为其他已找到的内容脚本全部匹配的url,但会忽略其他内容脚本定义的exclude_matches,include_globs,exclude_globs
  • 内容脚本的matches中支持填入变量 <folder_matches_urls>, 若填入该变量效果和<matches_urls>一样, 但只会合并当前入口父级目录下的全部内容脚本中设定的matches
  • web_accessible_resources的动态管理,允许在内容脚本的入口同级目录下创建resources.json文件来动态配置web_accessible_resources,也允许在源manifest.json中统一配置web_accessible_resources,若源manifest.json中配置了web_accessible_resources,且内容脚本中包含resources.json配置则会追加在源manifest.json中配置的web_accessible_resources的后面


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


UmiJs v4 plugin: chromium or firefox extension development







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