Implementation of Valve Software's OpenVR API. It's a Kuflex version of ofxOpenVR addon. Forked from smallfly's addon.
This addon lets create VR applications (using HTC Vive) on openFrameworks, Windows 10.
HTC Vive (though, it is not required to compile projects, just to deploy)
Visual Studio 2015
openFrameworks with GLM (current last version 0.9.8 not work, so use Nightly Build). We use
ofxOpenVR addon folder, which should be placed to openFrameworks/addons/ofxOpenVR. Getting addon from Github is a little tricky - it requires also downloading OpenVR 1.0.6, and generating projects for examples using Project Generator (and efter excluding CPP files form libs addon's subfolder). So you can use this packaged ofxOpenVR addon:
(note, addon's src folder in this ZIP file is obsolete, so update it from github manually)
After this, compile (in 64 bit) and run addon’s examples located in openFrameworks/addons/ofxOpenVR. (Please note that to get it working, you need to compile examples in 64 bit mode.)