Kuflex extension for openFrameworks.
It contains classes and functions for rendering, image analysis and working with files, which we are using in Kuflex projects.
- Modules are relatively independent.
- Module ofxKuRasterOpenCV requires ofxOpenCv addon to work - if you don't need it, kust not include in your project.
- ofxKuFileTime::isNewerThan function implementation doesn't works in oF >= 0.9.0, te simplest workaround is change it to return always 'true'.
- ofxKuRectRender class for fast rendering rectangles
- ofxKuLineRender class for fast rendering lines
- ofxKuVertexRender class for fast rendering points
- ofxKuDrawTextureFit(ofTexture &tex, float x, float y, float w, float h) function in ofxKuDrawUtils for fitting texture in rectangle
- ofxKuDrawRaster draws raster array
- ofxKuRaster.h - include it for accessing all image processing functions
- ofxKuRasterArithmetics - add, subtract, multiply, divide, threshold, find mask for range values, count number of pixels in range, project on axes, histogram for raster arrays
- ofxKuRasterBlur_int, ofxKuRasterBlur_float - box blur for raster arrays
- ofxKuRasterInterpolate - interpolation of raster arrays, including ofPoint rasters
- ofxKuRasterMorphology - dilatation and erosion, contour detection
- ofxKuRasterResize_nearest - resize raster arrays
- ofxKuFloodFill function which do flood fill in array, removing small blobs
- ofxKuRasterOpenCV - gaussian smoothing, convex hull, implemented with OpenCV. Requires ofxOpenCv addon.
- ofxKuMathStat - compute median value of the vector
- ofxKuValueCheckChange - checks if value was changed
- ofxKuSlowBit - bit, controllable changing it state
- ofxKuPreset - presets maintaining system
- ofxKuBufferRecorder class for recording/replaying data buffers, such as kinect data
- ofxKuFile - write and read text files as vector of strings
- ofxKuFileTime::isNewerThan(string fileName1, string fileName2) function which compares file creation times