Nodedit is a web-based, thin-client IDE.
Nodedit is a thin-client IDE that runs completely in the browser. To work with files you connect to an instance of the Nodedit-Server which controls I/O with the remote filesystem. Simply provide the URL (and port) as well as an API key and that's it.
When you pull/clone the source it's important to init and update the submodules. There is a bash script provided, simply do the following:
- Ensure the bash file
has execute rights, typicallychmod +x
will work. - Run the bash file via
This will initialize and pull the plugins so they work properly.
As mentioned above, ensure that you have an instance of Nodedit-Server running on a server.
Once you have a server to connect to just open the client. You can run it locally or serve it from a webserver, it has no rquirements except a modern web browser.
You can also access an instance with the latest build at
Both the Nodedit Client and Server are released under the MIT-style open source license and are free to use, modify, break, tweak, etc to your hearts content. All that is asked is you mention your use of the code somewhere.
For more information on setup, usage, contributing, and API documentation please check out the Nodedit Website.