🐛 Bug Fixes
Leads refinement.
Qoutes refinement.
#2065 - Uncaught Error is appearing in Tags Section of Settings.
#2064 - Validations are not working on different sections.
#2063 - Uncaught Error in appearing in console in Leads section.
#2061 - Update Readme.
#2060 - Getting Exceptional error while editing Person and Saving it.
#2022 - Link to License in README.md is a dead link
#2011 - Integrity constraint violation: Update Persons
#1985 - Draft Mail Content from IMAP Account Not Appearing Properly as it is showing coded format.
#1983 - Unwanted Console Error When Clicking "Reply" or "Reply All" in Mail.
#1982 - Unwanted Console Error When Forwarding Mail with CC and BCC
#1981 - Prevent Duplicate Email Addresses in the Address Bar While Composing Mail
#1977 - Password Encryption Needed in IMAP Password Configuration.
#1976 - Console Errors in Mails Sent Mail Section.
#1972 - Emails Can Be Sent from Draft Without an Email Address.
#1971 - "From" Entry Missing in Sent Mails When Sending Emails from Krayin CRM .
#1970 - Save Draft button visibility issue in dark theme.
#1969 - Console Errors in Mails Draft Section.
#1968 - Inbox Filters: ID Filter Appears Without Corresponding Column in Datagrid.