This addon provides wrapper for jquery UI's draggable, droppable and sortable. We currently using jquery-ui v1.11.4 custom build with the following plugins:
- core.min.js
- widget.min.js
- mouse.min.js
- draggable.min.js
- droppable.min.js
- sortable.min.js
Add this git repo to your package.json to make it work. As this addon is still under development, this will be published to npm once stable.
- Draggable
- Droppable
- Sortable
{{#ui-draggable <jquery-draggable-options>=<value> <jquery-droppable-events>=<actions-mapped-in-controller>}}
Hello world
####Draggable options: Refer this (
- addClasses
- appendTo
- axis
- cancel
- connectToSortable
- containment
- cursor
- cursorAt
- delay
- disabled
- distance
- grid
- handle
- helper
- iframeFix
- opacity
- refreshPositions
- revert
- revertDuration
- scope
- scroll
- scrollSensitivity
- scrollSpeed
- snap
- snapMode
- snapTolerance
- stack
- zIndex
####Draggable events:
- onCreate
- onDrag
- onStart
- onStop
{{#ui-droppable <jquery-droppable-options>=<value> <jquery-droppable-events>=<actions-mapped-in-controller>}}
Hello world
####Droppable options: Refer this (
- accept
- activeClass
- addClasses
- disabled
- greedy
- hoverClass
- scope
- tolerance
####Droppable events:
- onActivate
- onCreate
- onDeactivate
- onDrop
- onOut
- onOver
{{#ui-sortable <jquery-sortable-options>=<value> <jquery-droppable-events>=<actions-mapped-in-controller>}}
Hello world
####Sortable options: Refer this (
- appendTo
- axis
- cancel
- connectWith
- containment
- cursor
- cursorAt
- delay
- disabled
- distance
- dropOnEmpty
- forceHelperSize
- forcePlaceholderSize
- grid
- handle
- helper
- items
- opacity
- placeholder
- revert
- scroll
- scrollSensitivity
- scrollSpeed
- tolerance
- zIndex
####Sortable events:
- onActivate
- onBeforeStop
- onChange
- onCreate
- onDeactivate
- onOut
- onOver
- onReceive
- onRemove
- onSort
- onStart
- onStop
- onUpdate
{{#ui-draggable onStart="onDragStart"}}
Hello world
actions: {
onDragStart (event, ui, component) {
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
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