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korrectional edited this page Aug 5, 2024 · 4 revisions

To create an object in PickEngine you have to create a GameObject class variable. With it you can modify the game object's parameters like position, rotation and color.

objectArray[x] PickEngine uses a special system for game objects. If you want to create a new game object, you just have to select a number from 0 to 1000 (x) and execute the following command:

objectArray[x].create(create(const char* **tag_**, float **transform_[3]**, float **rotation_[4]**, GLfloat **color_[4]**, bool **textured_**, bool **staticCollider_**))

tag_: The name of the object

transform_[3]: The position of the object

rotation_[4]: The rotation of the object. Rotations in PickEngine work in a special way

color_[4]: The R,G,B and A values of the object color

textured_: If the object wants to use the wall.png texture. This is a temporary feature and will be soon improved

staticCollider_: Always set to false no matter what

gameObject.transform(float[3]) Sets the position of the GameObject

gameObject.force(float[3]) Adds the position of the GameObject

gameObject.rotation(float[4]) Sets the rotation of the GameObject

gameObject.rotate(float[4]) Adds the rotation of the GameObject

gameObject.setColor(float[4]) Sets the color of the GameObject

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