Codes for the Trim, i.e., the adaptive algorithm for the adaptive SM problem that provides expected approximation ratio. Please refer to paper: for details.
Linux-based OS
Dataset files: dataset files are referred to
Realizations files: please refer to
Remark: please note that generated realization files are supposed to locate in the same folder of dataset file according to my implementation.
./algo -dataset path_to_dataset -model IC -epsilon ε -Q percentage -batch batch_size -seedfile filename -time time_number
--epsilon: an float number in range (0,1) to control the approximation error.
--Q: the percentage of nodes required to be activated.
--batch: the size of batch b selected each time.
--seedfile: the file records the k seed nodes selected.
--time: the number of the algorithm repeated.
./trim -dataset dataset/hep/ -model IC -epsilon 0.5 -Q 0.1 -batch 10 -seedfile seed -time 1
Tested datasets can be downloaded in
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