This repository contains code that can be used to generate simulated NIRCam, NIRISS, or FGS data. These data can be in one of two formats:
- No calibrations applied. Detector level effects such as non-linearity,
superbias, etc are still present.
- Detector level effects have been removed, and data have been
linearized, but are still in ramp format, where multiple non-destructive
reads of the detector are present.
The main documentation for Mirage is located on ReadTheDocs. Detailed installation instructions can be found there.
See the notebooks in the examples
subdirectory. There are notebooks
for imaging simulations, WFSS simulations, moving target
(non-sidereal) simulations, and simulations of OTE commissioning.
If you find this package useful, please consider citing the Zenodo record using the DOI badge above. Please find additional citation instructions in CITATION.
Prior to contributing to the mirage
development, please review our style guide.
Contibutors should use a "forking workflow" when making contributions to the project.
Users and contributors to the mirage
repository should adhere to the Code of Conduct. Any issues or violations pertaining to the Code of Conduct should be brought to the attention of a mirage
team member or to [email protected]
For any questions about the mirage
project or its software or documentation, please open an Issue.
- Bryan Hilbert @bhilbert4
- Nor Pirzkal @NorPirzkal
- Kevin Volk @KevinVolkSTScI
- Shannon Osborne @shanosborne
- Marshall Perrin @mperrin
is based on a NIRISS data simulator originally written by Kevin Volk.