Ever wanted to have a thematic playlist for every situation in life? Well here's a script for you!
This playlist generating script leverages the Spotify API (via Spotipy), Genius API, and Musixmatch API to do the following:
- Authenticate into your Spotify account via your browser to create a new playlist (or add to a preexisting playlist)
- Search Genius, Spotify, and/or (Musixmatch: TODO) lyrics/song databases for songs based on a provided search term
- Calculate the number of times your search term (or set of search terms) appears in the lyrics
- If the percentage of term occurences in the total lyrics meets a threshold, designate BANGER and add to the playlist (while avoiding duplicates)
Note, the songs are added to the playlist as you go, so if you kill the program early you will still get a playlist with progress up to the point at which you killed it.
- Solid knowledge of how to use your command line
- Python3
- lyricsgenius library
pip3 install lyricsgenius
- spotipy library
pip3 install spotipy
- The following environment variables:
- Genius API Secret - set to
- Genius API Secret - set to
As a general rule, the help command will give you information about parameters to use when executing the script
python3 generate-playlist.py -h
Let's say you want to make a playlist about, say, hotdogs. The following command will do a search for hotdogs and create a playlist called "hotdog playlist". If a playlist called "hotdog playlist" already exists in your Spotify account, it will add the songs from the search to the preexisting list. There is some logic that prevents duplicates, but if there is a song that exists by the same artist on multiple albums (ie - same song with multiple Spotify song IDs), duplicates can happen
python3 generate-playlist.py -q hotdogs -t 'hotdog playlist'