This is a simple KNN or K - Nearest Neighbor algorithm. Maybe the code can't be read properly, so I try to make this program so that it can be read better, and for anyone who wants to use it is welcome.
require the Knn.php inside src folder
require 'src/Knn.php';
Here an example
$datasample = [[2,3],[4,5],[5,1],[8,9],[3,7],[1,7]]; //Sample Data
$datalabel = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c']; //Label Data. [2,3] labeled by a, [5,1] labeled by b, etc
$key = 3; //optional. Default is 3. Smallest key is more accurate
$predict = [1, 7]; //Input
$data = new Knn($datasample, $datalabel, $predict, $key);
echo $data->result; //output is c
more examples are in example.php file
You can use csv file as dataset. Here the tutorial how to use it.
First create the dataset in csv format. Use this format below.
"parameter1", "parameter2", "parameter3", "etc", "label"
See file.csv inside dataset folder for example. Save it to dataset folder.
The Code
$csvFileName = 'files.csv'; //name of csv file, must containt .csv {required}
$predict = [3,4,1]; //predict {required}
$key = 3; //key {optional: default is 3}
$inputToCsv = true; //true, so the result will be inputed to csv file as the new sample. {optional: default is false}
$data = new KnnCsv($csvFileName, $predict, $key, $inputToCsv);
echo $data->result;
You can change the dataset folder in src/KnnCsv.php
$fileCsvName = 'file.csv'; //csv file name
$countData = 20; //Number of data will be inserted
$offset = 1; //Create offset random number
$limit = 200; //Create max random number
new KnnTrain($fileCsvName, $countData, $offset, $limit);