client library that allows you to send SMS
Install oursms client with composer
composer require khalidsheet/oursms
Skip this if you are running laravel version 5.5 or later The package will be auto-discovered
Otherwise run this command
Step 1 - Publish the package config file under config/oursms.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Khalidsheet\Oursms\OursmsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Step 2 - Go to the application .env
and paste these variables in the end of the file.
Import the package
use Khalidsheet\Oursms\Oursms
In your controller instantiate a new instance from Oursms Client
$oursmsClient = new Oursms();
If you wish to send a single message
$oursmsClient->sendMessage(string $to, string $message);
If you wish to send Otp message
$oursmsClient->sendOtp(string $to, string $otp);
If you wish to check the status of your message
$oursmsClient->getSmsStatus(string $messageId);
Notice: to
is the phone number, message
is the actuall mesasge that will be send to the user.
Also, you can use trait to send SMS or OTP messages to a user
Add the Messageable trait to your model.
use Khalidsheet\Oursms\Traits\Messageable;
class User extends Model {
use Messageable;
Now you can use it like this
$user = User::find(1);
// Sending OSM
$user->sendMessage(string $message);
// Sending OTP
$user->sendOtp(string $otp);
Notice: Trait functionality only available from version 1.1.0 or later