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kevinrussellmoy committed Dec 9, 2022
1 parent 93665f3 commit 94ba018
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Showing 10 changed files with 1 addition and 348 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
258 changes: 1 addition & 257 deletions pmp_control_ECM.m
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% control given costate

% Costate
lambda_inits = linspace(-150, -50, 41);
lambda_inits = linspace(-150, -50, 21);

for i = 1:length(lambda_inits)
[u_opt, x, lambda] = mgpmpecm(length(ld1), pv1, ld1, x_max, x_min, LIB_INV_SIZE_KW, LIB_EFF_CHG, ...
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legend(legendStrings, 'location', 'eastoutside')
set(gca, "FontSize", 20)


% yr_dt_sec = (YEAR_START:seconds(1):datetime(2021,12,31,23,59,59))';

% week_len = 4*24*7;
% day_len = 4*24;
% % week_start = 0
% week_start = 30 * week_len; % try 25?
% week_end = week_start + week_len-1;
% day_start = week_start;
% day_end = day_start + day_len-1;

% % One week:
% ld_wk1 = ld(week_start:week_end);
% pv_wk1 = pv(week_start:week_end);
% wk1_dt = yr_dt(week_start:week_end);
% % One day (START WITH THIS):
% ld1 = ld(day_start:day_end);
% pv1 = pv(day_start:day_end);
% d1_dt = yr_dt(day_start:day_end);

% % Convert to seconds
% ld_sec = repelem(ld1, 3600*h);
% pv_sec = repelem(pv1, 3600*h);
% d1_dt_sec = yr_dt_sec(30*24*7*3600+1:30*24*7*3600+(3600*24));

% %% 1st simple case: Fixed energy, power of ESS; fixed week, fixed costate; fixed starting energy
% % Initial value of costate
% lambda_init = 10;
% [u_opt, x, lambda] = mgpmp(length(ld_sec), pv_sec, ld_sec, x_max, x_min, LIB_INV_SIZE_KW, LIB_EFF_CHG, ...
% socdot, P_batt_range_socdot, SOC_range_socdot, ...
% dfdx, P_batt_range_dfdx, SOC_range_dfdx, ...
% h, lambda_init);
% % Get resulting curtailed PV, DG generation, final energy at optimal
% % control given costate
% dg1 = max(ld_sec-pv_sec-u_opt,0);
% pv_curt = max(pv_sec-ld_sec-u_opt,0);
% x_f = x(end);
% % Plot Optimal Dispatch!!
% hFig = figure(3);
% set(hFig, 'Position', [100 100 2000 2200])
% subplot(2,2,1)
% hold on
% plot(d1_dt_sec, ld_sec, 'LineWidth', 2)
% plot(d1_dt_sec, pv_sec, 'LineWidth', 2)
% plot(d1_dt_sec, u_opt, 'LineWidth', 2)
% plot(d1_dt_sec, dg1, 'LineWidth', 2)
% ylabel("Power [kWAC]")
% legend("Load", "PV", "Optimal ESS Dispatch", "Diesel Genset", "location", "best")
% set(gca, "FontSize", 20)
% subplot(2,2,2)
% plot(yr_dt_sec(30*24*7*3600+1:30*24*7*3600+(3600*24)+1), x, 'LineWidth', 2)
% ylim([0 1])
% ylabel("SOC [-]")
% set(gca, "FontSize", 20)
% subplot(2,2,3)
% plot(yr_dt_sec(30*24*7*3600+1:30*24*7*3600+(3600*24)+1), lambda, 'LineWidth', 2)
% ylabel("\lambda [L]")
% set(gca, "FontSize", 20)
% subplot(2,2,4)
% plot(d1_dt_sec, cumsum(genset_model(dg1))*h/3600, 'LineWidth', 2)
% ylabel('Cumulative Fuel Consumption [L]')
% set(gca, "FontSize", 20)

%% Function to calculate optimal control, final state, and state vector
% function [u_opt, x, lambda] = mgpmp(outage_len, pv_outage, ld_outage, ...
% x_max, x_min, inv_rating, inv_eff, ...
% socdot, P_batt_range_socdot, SOC_range_socdot, ...
% dfdx, P_batt_range_dfdx, SOC_range_dfdx, ...
% h, lambda_init)
% % Function to compute optimal control strategy based on Pontryagin
% % Minimization Principle (PMP)
% % Inputs:
% % outage_len = length of outage period (e.g. one day) in 15 min. intervals
% % pv_outage = pv profile during outage period, as kW
% % ld_outage = load profile during outage period, as kW
% % x_max = upper bound of state
% % x_min = lower bound of state
% % inv_rating = kWAC rating of LIB inverter
% % inv_eff = AC/DC conversion efficiency of LIB inverter
% % socdot = map from (pack power, SOC) --> change in SOC
% % P_batt_range_socdot = corresponding pack power range for socdot map
% % SOC_range_socdot = corresponding SOC range for socdot map
% % dfdx = map from (pack power, SOC) --> dSOC_dot/dSOC
% % P_batt_range_dfdx = corresponding pack power range for dfdx map
% % SOC_range_dfdx = corresponding SOC range for dfdx map
% % lambda = initial costate
% % h = fraction of the hour
% % Outputs:
% % u_opt = optimal control
% % x = state as a function of time from t=1:day_len+1
% % lambda = costate
% x = zeros(outage_len+1, 1);
% u_opt = zeros(outage_len, 1);
% lambda = zeros(outage_len+1, 1);
% % TODO: Change this assumption
% x(1) = x_max;
% lambda(1) = lambda_init;
% % Set penalty (K) for violating constraints
% K = 200; % TODO: Sensitivity analysis on this
% % for t = 1:3600*5
% for t = 1:outage_len
% % disp('Time')
% % disp(t)
% % First, work in all AC power
% % Determine control space at time t based on PV, load power
% % assuming that ESS can only charge off of PV, discharge to load
% % But bounded by inverter rating
% u_min_t = -min(pv_outage(t), inv_rating);
% u_max_t = min(ld_outage(t), inv_rating);
% % u_min_t = -pv_outage(t);
% % u_max_t = ld_outage(t);
% u_range_t = sort([linspace(u_min_t,u_max_t) 0]); % include 0 power as an option
% % disp(u_range_t)
% % Calculate optimal control with control space at time t
% H_t = zeros(length(u_range_t), 1);
% wE_t = zeros(length(u_range_t), 1);
% for v = 1:length(u_range_t)
% % Put rules (~ environment) for each dispatch here
% % TODO: Break this out into its own function (or file/method??)
% % Initialize PV, load, and ESS energy resources; DG power, penalty
% pv_t = pv_outage(t);
% l_t = ld_outage(t);
% x_t = x(t);
% dg_t = 0;
% u_t = u_range_t(v);
% % First, charge PV off of ESS if u is negative
% pv_t = pv_t - (-min(0,u_t));
% % Dispatch portion of load from ESS if u is positive
% l_t = l_t - (max(0,u_t));
% % Balance the load and PV, with excess PV curtailed or excess load
% % supplied by DG
% if pv_t > l_t
% % Subtract off load from PV and curtail the rest
% % DG is not used here
% elseif pv_t < l_t
% % Subtract off PV from load and supply remainder load with DG
% l_t = l_t - pv_t;
% dg_t = l_t;
% else
% % Load and PV are in perfect balance! How??
% % DG is not used here
% end
% % disp(dg_t)
% % Calculate penalty contribution
% % First, convert AC power to DC power
% if u_t >= 0
% u_DC_t = u_t/inv_eff;
% else
% u_DC_t = u_t * inv_eff;
% end
% % Use socdot map to find SOC at time step t+1
% socdot_t = interp2(P_batt_range_socdot, SOC_range_socdot, socdot, u_DC_t, x_t, 'spline');
% x_t1 = x_t + socdot_t*h;
% % disp(x_t1)
% % x_t1 = x_t + socdot_t;
% if x_t1 > x_max
% w = K;
% elseif x_t1 < x_min
% w = -K;
% elseif x_min <= x_t1 && x_t1 <= x_max
% w = 0;
% % else
% % w = K;
% end
% % disp(w)
% wE_t(v) = w;
% % disp(w)
% % Calculate fuel consumpt ion from function
% fuel_cons_L = genset_model(dg_t);
% % fuel_cons_L = genset_model(dg_t) * h / 3600;
% % Put resulting Hamiltonian here
% % H_t(v) = fuel_cons_L + (lambda(t) + w) * u_t;
% H_t(v) = fuel_cons_L + (lambda(t) + w) * socdot_t;
% % disp(H_t(v))
% end
% % % Plot
% % figure(2)
% % subplot(2,1,1)
% % plot(u_range_t,H_t)
% % ylabel("Hamiltonian value")
% % xlabel("Power, kW")
% % subplot(2,1,2)
% % plot(u_range_t, wE_t, 'o')
% % ylabel("Penalty value")
% % xlabel("Power, kW")
% % Get index of H_t where it is minimized;
% [~, min_ind] = min(H_t);
% % disp(min(H_t))
% % disp(min_ind)
% % Find the corresponding LIB AC power value as the optimal control
% u_opt_t = u_range_t(min_ind);
% % Store optimal LIB AC power control
% u_opt(t) = u_opt_t;
% % First, convert AC power to DC power
% if u_opt_t >= 0
% u_DC_opt_t = u_opt_t/inv_eff;
% else
% u_DC_opt_t = u_opt_t * inv_eff;
% end
% % Use socdot map to find SOC at time step t+1
% socdot_t = interp2(P_batt_range_socdot, SOC_range_socdot, socdot, u_DC_opt_t, x(t), 'spline');
% % Update the SOC for the next time step
% % x(t+1) = x(t) + socdot_t;
% x(t+1) = x(t) + socdot_t*h;
% % disp(x(t+1))
% % Update the costate
% % 1) Calculate penalty
% if x(t) > x_max
% w = K;
% elseif x(t) < x_min
% w = -K;
% elseif x_min <= x(t) && x(t) <= x_max
% w = 0;
% % else
% % w = K;
% end
% % 2) Compute dfdx
% dfdx_t = -interp2(P_batt_range_dfdx, SOC_range_dfdx, dfdx, u_DC_opt_t, x(t), 'spline');
% % 3) Compute lambda_dot
% lambda_dot = -(lambda(t) + w)*dfdx_t;
% % 4) Evolve costate
% lambda(t+1) = lambda(t) + lambda_dot*h;
% end
% % function end
% end
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
82 changes: 0 additions & 82 deletions soc_fuelcons_degrad.m
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outage_lens(i) = length(ld(t_ind(1):t_ind(2)));

% % Select load and PV data
% ld1 = ld(t_ind(1):t_ind(2));
% pv1 = pv(t_ind(1):t_ind(2));
% dt1 = yr_dt(t_ind(1):t_ind(2));
% % Create variable for outage length (v useful)
% outage_len = length(ld1);

%% SOCs to try
SOCs = linspace(x_min, x_max, 27);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,79 +106,6 @@
cap_pcts{k} = cap_losses/Q_nom;

% %% Search for optimal initial costate values
% lambda_min = -150;
% lambda_max = -75;
% disp('Finding optimal initial costate values for each value of SOC:')
% for i = 1:length(SOCs)
% disp(['Iteration ', num2str(i)])
% [s_init_vec, SOC_end_vec] = init_costate_search(length(ld1), pv1, ld1, x_max, x_min, ...
% socdot, P_batt_range_socdot, SOC_range_socdot, ...
% dfdx, P_batt_range_dfdx, SOC_range_dfdx, ...
% h, lambda_min, lambda_max, SOCs(i));
% SOC_fins(i) = SOC_end_vec(end);
% lambda_inits(i) = s_init_vec(end);
% disp(['SOC ', num2str(SOCs(i)), ' Optimal costate value ', num2str(lambda_inits(i)), ' found'])
% end
% disp('Done finding optimal initial costate values!')
% %% Plot
% hFig = figure(1);
% % set(hFig, 'Position', [100 100 920 500])
% set(hFig, 'Position', [100 100 600 500])
% hold on
% plot(SOC_fins, lambda_inits, 'marker','^', 'MarkerSize',15)
% xlabel("Initial Costate Value [L/hr]")
% ylabel("Final SOC [-]")
% set(gca, "FontSize", 28)
% %% Find fuel consumption \dot{m_f}(t), LIB power output u(t), and LIB SOC(t) at each optimal initial costate value
% % TODO: Combine with above so we are not doing redundant calculations
% disp('Finding optimal fuel consumption, SOC, LIB power from optimal intial costate values:')
% for i = 1:length(lambda_inits)
% disp(['Iteration ', num2str(i)])
% [u_opt, x, lambda] = mgpmpecm(length(ld1), pv1, ld1, x_max, x_min, LIB_INV_SIZE_KW, LIB_EFF_CHG, ...
% socdot, P_batt_range_socdot, SOC_range_socdot, ...
% dfdx, P_batt_range_dfdx, SOC_range_dfdx, ...
% h, lambda_inits(i));
% dg1 = max(ld1-pv1-u_opt,0);
% pv_curt = max(pv1-ld1-u_opt,0);
% x_f = x(end);
% u_opts(:,i) = u_opt;
% SOC_opts(:,i) = x;
% fuel_consumps(i) = sum(genset_model(dg1))*h;
% end
% disp('Done with that.')
% % Compute baseline fuel consumption
% L_base = sum(genset_model(max(ld1-pv1,0)))*h;
% %%
% disp('Finding degradation from optimal SOC trajectories:')
% for i = 1:length(SOCs)
% disp(['Iteration ', num2str(i)])
% [cap_loss] = emp_deg_model(SOC_opts(:,i), Q_nom, h);
% cap_losses(:,i) = cap_loss;
% end
% disp('Done with that.')
% %% Plot
% hFig = figure(2);
% % set(hFig, 'Position', [100 100 920 500])
% set(hFig, 'Position', [100 100 600 500])
% hold on
% plot(SOCs, cap_losses, 'marker','.', 'MarkerSize',15, 'LineWidth', 2)
% xlabel("Final SOC [-]")
% xlim([0.2 0.85])
% ylabel("Capacity Loss [Ah]")
% set(gca, "FontSize", 28)

%% Plot Pareto Front
%indices to plot given restrictions on Andrea's model
%(SOC_min = [0.2,0.45])
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9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions soc_fuelcons_degrad_toy.m
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outage_lens(i) = length(ld(t_ind(1):t_ind(2)));

% % Select load and PV data
% ld1 = ld(t_ind(1):t_ind(2));
% pv1 = pv(t_ind(1):t_ind(2));
% dt1 = yr_dt(t_ind(1):t_ind(2));
% % Create variable for outage length (v useful)
% outage_len = length(ld1);

%% SOCs to try
SOCs = linspace(x_min, x_max, 27);

Expand Down

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