Implementation of constructive and perturbative local search algorithms for the Multidimensional 0/1 Knapsack Problem.
In the runnable folder you can to find the jars for the simple execution and benchmark.
├── experiment
│ ├── instances
│ │ ├── *.dat
│ ├── runnable
│ │ ├── benchmarks.jar
│ │ ├── mkp.jar
│ ├── knapsack-problem
│ │ ├── src/main/java/be/ac/ulb/kubedaar/knapsack/problem
│ │ │ ├── berk
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├── impl
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├── test
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ ├── pom.xml
│ │ ├── debug-instance.dat
│ │ ├── target/
│ ├── aws-results/
│ ├── report.pdf
│ ├──
Inside the aws-results
you can find more detail (logs, tables, etc.) about the final results of the benchmark.
go to the runnable folder (cd runnable
) and execute the following commands:
java -jar mkp.jar -f="instances/xxxxx.dat"
means the file with the instances
the constructive heuristic you want execute
the random seed you want to test for the radom ch
the improvement you want to test with the ch as initial solution
the random seed you want to use in the shuffle pashe of the improvement
ga for the Genetic algoirthm and sa for the simmulated annealing
the maximum amount of time to run the SLS
the seed used to the random parts in the SLS methods
mutation rate for the GA
population size for the GA
initial temprature for the SA
final temperature for the SA
temperature control for the SA
rounds per temperature for the SA
for example to run the SA with a random inital solution you can run:
java -jar mkp.jar -f="../instances/OR10x250-0.75_1.dat" -ch="random" -is=46193 -sls="sa" -maxtime=100 -slsseed=4567
go to the runnable folder (cd runnable
) and execute the following commands:
- Compute optimized AWS EC2 mc5.large
- Intel Xeon Platinum 8124M 2 cores
- Clock speed 3 GHz
- The Amazon Linux AMI OS
- Java 1.8
java -jar benchmarks.jar cTestToyodaCH bTestGreedyCH aTestRandomCH -rff jmh-ch-results.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 0 | tee jmh-ch-results.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar fTestToyodaBI eTestGreedyBI dTestRandomBI -rff jmh-bi-results.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 0 | tee jmh-bi-results.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar iTestToyodaFI hTestGreedyFI gTestRandomFI -rff jmh-fi-results.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 0 | tee jmh-fi-results.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar lTestToyodaVND -rff jmh-vnd-results-nornd.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 0 | tee jmh-vnd-results-nornd.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar kTestGreedyVND -rff jmh-vnd-results-greedy.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 0 | tee jmh-vnd-results-greedy.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar jTestRandomVND -rff jmh-vnd-results-rnd.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 0 | tee jmh-vnd-results-rnd.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar sa10x100Instances -rff jmh-sa10x100Instances.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 1 | tee sa10x100Instances.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar sa10x250Instances -rff jmh-sa10x250Instances.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 1 | tee sa10x250Instances.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar saF510x250Instances -rff jmh-saF510x250Instances.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 1 | tee saF510x250Instances.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar ga10x100Instances -rff jmh-ga10x100Instances.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 1 | tee ga10x100Instances.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar ga10x250Instances -rff jmh-ga10x250Instances.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 1 | tee ga10x250Instances.log
java -jar benchmarks.jar gaF510x250Instances -rff jmh-gaF510x250Instances.csv -rf csv -wi 0 -f 1 | tee gaF510x250Instances.log
The project has been develped with Java 1.8, Maven and Netbeans. To build you can do it from netbeans or execute the following command in the terminal from the knapsack-problem
mvn install
The respective jars are going to be inside the target