This is a WIP chat application, similar to slack or discord, but obviously lighter.
First of you need to set up a realtime database on firebase. Also set sign-in-method to email/password and set up approriet storage rules and database rules to set a limit to what users can upload etc.
Then you need to connect firebase to your firebase.js
cd bearchat
npm install
npm start
Enjoy :)
- emoji-mart
- firebase
- md5
- mdbreact
- mime-types
- moment
- node-sass-chokidar
- npm-run-all
- react
- react-avatar-editor
- react-dom
- react-fontawesome
- react-fullscreen-image
- react-keydown
- react-materialize
- react-redux
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- react-transition-group
- redux
- redux-devtools-extension
- semantic-ui-css
- semantic-ui-react
- uuid
Björn Ohlsson