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react-plots · GitHub license

React components and common JS plotting tools.


Supported data types

type PointNumeric = [number, number | null];
type ObjectNumeric = {
    timestamp: number;
    [ numericType: string ]: number | null;
    [ anyType: string ]: any;

type PointTimeSeries = [string, number | null];
type ObjectTimeSeries = {
    timestamp: string;
    [ numericType: string ]: number | null;
    [ anyType: string ]: any;

interface Quotes extends ObjectTimeSeries {
    open: number | null;
    high: number | null;
    low: number | null;
    close: number | null;
    volume: number | null;

Drawing data

const sin: PointNumeric[] = [],
    cos: PointNumeric[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 0.1) {
    const j = round(i, 1);
    sin.push([j, j + Math.sin(j)]);
    cos.push([j + 1, Math.cos(j + 1)]);

const raw = {
    timestamp: ibm.chart.result[0].timestamp,[0].indicators.quote[0]
const quotes = new Array(raw.timestamp.length).fill(0).map((_, i) => {
    return {
        timestamp: new Date(raw.timestamp[i] * 1000).toLocaleDateString('sv'),
        low: raw.low[i],
        close: raw.close[i],
        volume: raw.volume[i]
}) as Quotes[];

Component usage

<Figure width={1280} height={720} name={'Test figure'}>
        position={{ row: { start: 1, end: 3 }, column: { start: 1, end: 2 } }}
        name={'Test axes group'}
            position={{ row: { start: 1, end: 2 }, column: { start: 1, end: 2 } }}
            name={'Test axes 1'}
            <Line data={sin} name={'Test line'} />
            <Hist data={cos} name={'Test histogram'} />
            position={{ row: { start: 2, end: 3 }, column: { start: 1, end: 2 } }}
            name={'Test axes 2'}
            <Line data={cos} name={'Test line'} />
        position={{ row: { start: 1, end: 3 }, column: { start: 2, end: 4 } }}
        name={'Test axes 3'}
            position={{ row: { start: 1, end: 3 }, column: { start: 1, end: 2 } }}
            name={'IBM Quotes'}
            <Candle data={quotes} name={'IBM'} />
            position={{ row: { start: 3, end: 4 }, column: { start: 1, end: 2 } }}
            name={'IBM Volumes'}
            <VolumeHist data={quotes} name={'IBM'} />

