A desktop application help organize pictures and videos between cameras/mobile devices and Plex Media Server.
Require for face detection (need user install)
- Import images from local directories and mobile devices
- Change photo-taken-date and geolocation of images
- Export images to another directory in well-organized directory structure to feed Plex Media Server
- Organize images by directories, dates, events and places.
- EXIF information, such as dates, geolocation, camera models, etc. Could be modified in batch.
- Detect and recognize faces.
New feature: splash screen on startup
New feature: pagination for collection view
New feature: scan and recognize faces (required dlib+python libraries)
New feature: performance control
New feature: combine similar images into a group
New feature: Larger view of image
- PostgresClientKit: to manage data in PostgreSQL database (Apache Licence 2.0)
- ACBTokenField (The MIT License)
- SwiftyJSON (The MIT License)
- CryptoSwift (License)
- ExifTool: to load EXIF info from images (Perl License)
- Android Debug Bridge: to detect and access Android devices (License)
- macFUSE: to access iOS devices (LGPL License)
- libimobiledevice: to detect and pair iOS devices (LGPL License)
- dlib: to help recognize faces
- face_recognition: to help recognize faces (The MIT License)
- Baidu Map API Key: to recognize geolocation inside China, and to display maps (License)
- Google Map API Key: to recognize geolocation outside China (License)
- Personal AP key of Baidu Map API is required for displaying maps and recognizing geolocations inside China
- Personal AP key of Google Map API is required for recognizing geolocations outside China
- macFUSE should be installed before user try to load photos from iOS devices by ImageDocker
- Android device needs to enable USB debug mode before connecting to computer via USB, so that Android Debug Bridge can access the files in the device. It would be better install HandShaker for easier transfer images from Android device to computer, although this application has been discontinued.
- This software supports screen resolution equal or larger than 1920 x 1080 . It would probably behave ugly on smaller screens, such as Macbook Air non-retina models.
- This software does not need Internet as soon as you don't need to know about where the pictures were taken, as it would need API from Google Map or Baidu Map. Only latitude and longitude of the pictures would be transfered thru Internet.
- Remember to backup pictures and videos before using any versions of this software.
- Any pre-release versions of this software is applied to author/developer for testing / debugging only.