JavaScript Object Query Language Representation - Funny, it's just JSON.
- Serializable pattern and predicate based object matching for JavaScript.
- More built-in predicates/operators than most other other data query mechanisms, currently 30.
- Extensible with just one line of code per predicate/query operator.
- Just-in-time, fully indexed in-memory database, 2x to 10x faster than linear search, faster than IndexedDB and PouchDB for insert and search.
- Data and indexes represent the live state of JavaScript objects.
- Extensive Date and Time comparisons with precision at the year, month, day, hour, second, millisecond
- Automatic index configuration and optional persistence.
- 3 Way Single Function You Choose API ... callbacks, Promises, synchronous return values.
See the Wiki for detailed documentation:
Issues log and milestones when available:
Let us know what features you would like us to work on by commenting on any enhancement issues. (Obviously, we will work on bugs.)
npm install joqular
// everyone named Joe
{name: {eq: 'Joe'}}
// all adult women
{age: {gte: 18}, gender: 'female'}}
// adult women Bainbridge Island and downtown Seattle
{age: {gte: 18}, gender: 'female', address: {zipcode: {in: [98110,98101]}}}}
// all grandsons named the same as their grandfather
{father: {father: {name: {'/': 'name'}}}}
// all partners who are partnered with the same gender
{partner1: {gender: {'..partner2': 'gender'}}}
// all partners who are not partnered with the same gender
{partner1: {gender: {neq: {'..partner2': 'gender'}}}}
// Joe's children, if any are sick
{name: 'Joe', {children: {some: function(child) { return child.isSick; }}}}
// Joe's children, if all are sick
{name: 'Joe', {children: {every: function(child) { return child.isSick; }}}}
// [], unless all females are named Jo
{gender: 'female', {forall: function(object) { return'Jo'; }}}
// all females if any are named Jo
{gender: 'female', {exists: function(object) { return'Jo'; }}}
// anyone named Joe or Jo
{name: {soundex: 'Joe'}}
// anyone with a name starting in Jo
{name: {match: /Jo*/}}
// anyone who is female and authorized based on the value, i.e. 21 or over
function authorized(value) { return value>=21; }.predicate=true;
{gender: 'female', {age: {$: authorized}}}
// anyone who is female and authorized based on the object, i.e. a volunteer
function authorized() { return this.volunteer }.predicate=true;
{gender: 'female', $$: authorized}
2015-04-25 v0.0.92 Initial public release (626 Unit tests and growing ...)
2015-04-25 v0.0.93 corrected typos in npm package (626 Unit tests and growing ...)
2015-04-26 v0.0.94 Added patterns example, fixed recursion matching issue, added the $$ operator (628 Unit tests and growing ...)
2015-04-26 v0.0.95 Added missing predicate declaration for String.prototype.match (632 Unit tests and growing ...)