Author: Katherine Shakman Description: My projects related to the CUMC Data Science Club.
Project proposals for the Hackathon (Dec 2 2017):
Project 1: For a pair of neurons a and b, determine whether activating neuron a will increase the correlation between the activity patterns of the two neurons a and b.
- Language: Python 3.
- Data: My own.
- For a pair of example traces, calculate their correlation coefficient (use of Spearman coefficient seems appropriate for my data per:
* Load the traces (saved as .mat files) into python. (See data-in-python) - For n pairs of traces with condition 1 (no activation of a) and m pairs of traces with condition 2 (activation of a), find the cross-correlations between each pair and compare correlations in condition 1 with correlations in condition 2 (e.g. are the corrleations higher in one condition than the other?) * Calculate the correlation between each pair of recordings.
- Get summary statistics and visualize.
* Get the median, mean and SD of the correlation in condition 1 and in condition 2.
* Plot the distributions of correlations.
- Language: Python 3.
- Data: My own.
- Generate labels of the stimulus type for each traces.
- Split the available traces into a training set, a crossval set, and a test set.
- Train an SVM sklearn's SVM package.
- Test on the CV set.
- Once satisfied that everything is working, try the test set.
- Visualize the results.