Backend Development Capstone project for Thinkful Software Engineering Flex
Deployed at:
Created a database and RESTful API with CRUD operations that allows users to access data about movies, theaters, and reviews.
- Ran tests from the command line
- Accessed relevant information through route and query parameters
- Created an error handler for the case where a route doesn't exist
- Built an API following RESTful design principles
- Created and customized a knexfile.js file
- Created a connection to PostgreSQL database with Knex
- Used Knex to write database queries, completing CRUD routes in an Express server
- Returned joined and nested data with Knex
- Wrote database migrations using Knex's migration tool
- Deployed the backend server to Heroku
- PostgreSQL
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Knex.js
The following routes and methods are available:
- /movies
- /movies?is_showing=true
- /movies/:movieId
- /movies/:movieId/theaters
- /movies/:movieId/reviews
- /theaters
- /reviews [PUT/DELETE]