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Add ex07 (type inference)
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kandrio committed Mar 12, 2021
1 parent 46beb6c commit 70c0973
Showing 1 changed file with 231 additions and 0 deletions.
231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions ex07/typeinfer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
import Data.Char ()
import System.IO ()
import Text.Read
( Read(readPrec), lexP, (<++), Lexeme(Symbol, Punc, Ident) )
import qualified Data.Map as Map

data Type = Tvar Int | Tfun Type Type deriving Eq
data Expr = Evar String | Eabs String Expr | Eapp Expr Expr deriving Eq

-- Pretty printing of expressions

always :: Bool
always = True -- False omits parentheses whenever possible

instance Show Expr where
showsPrec p (Evar x) = (x ++)
showsPrec p (Eabs x e) =
showParen (always || p > 0) ((("\\" ++ x ++ ". ") ++) . showsPrec 0 e)
showsPrec p (Eapp e1 e2) =
showParen (always || p > 1) (showsPrec 1 e1 . (" " ++) . showsPrec 2 e2)

-- Parsing of expressions

instance Read Expr where
readPrec = (do Ident x <- lexP
return (Evar x)) <++
(do Punc "(" <- lexP
Punc "\\" <- lexP
Ident x <- lexP
Symbol "." <- lexP
e <- readPrec
Punc ")" <- lexP
return (Eabs x e)) <++
(do Punc "(" <- lexP
e1 <- readPrec
e2 <- readPrec
Punc ")" <- lexP
return (Eapp e1 e2))

-- Pretty printing of types

instance Show Type where
showsPrec p (Tvar alpha) = ("@" ++) . showsPrec 0 alpha
showsPrec p (Tfun sigma tau) =
showParen (p > 0) (showsPrec 1 sigma . (" -> " ++) . showsPrec 0 tau)

-- Main program

Explanation of the INPUTS and OUTPUTS of the 'expr_to_constr' function:
expr_to_constr Expression Variables_Database Variables_Counter =
(Type_of_Expression, Constraints, Updated_Variables_Counter, TypeError_Bool)
- Expression: An expression given as input.
- Variables_Database: A 'dict' type structure (key = name of the variable, value = an ID of the
type of the variable) that keeps track of the types of the variables that we encounter as we
go deeper in the expression. Initially, it's an empty Map.
- Variables_Counter: It becomes the type ID of any newly inserted variable. Then it gets incremented.
Initially, it's set to 0.
- Type_of_Expression: The type of the Expression that was given as input.
- Constraints: A list of type constraints. A constraint will be represented as a tuple of the form:
(Type, Type). This tuple shows that the left Type is equal to the right Type.
- Updated_Variables_Counter: The incremented Variables_Counter, after we find the type of the Expression.
- TypeError_Bool: It is set to True if we encounter a variable that was not previously added to the
expr_to_constr :: Expr -> (Map.Map String Int) -> Int -> (Type, [(Type,Type)], Int, Bool)
expr_to_constr (Evar var_name) var_db counter_id = case (Map.lookup var_name var_db) of
Just var_id -> (Tvar var_id, [], counter_id, False)
Nothing -> (Tvar (-42), [], counter_id, True)
expr_to_constr (Eabs var_name expr) var_db counter_id = ((Tfun type1 type2), constraints, counter_id', error)
type1 = Tvar counter_id
(type2, constraints, counter_id', error) = expr_to_constr expr (Map.insert var_name counter_id var_db) (counter_id+1)
expr_to_constr (Eapp expr1 expr2) var_db counter_id = (final_type, constraints, counter_id''+1, error)
(type1, constr1, counter_id' , error1) = expr_to_constr expr1 var_db counter_id
(type2, constr2, counter_id'', error2) = expr_to_constr expr2 var_db counter_id'
final_type = Tvar counter_id''
constraints = (type1, Tfun type2 final_type):(constr1 ++ constr2)
error = error1 || error2

This is the main function that calls 'expr_to_constr'.
find_constraints expr = (constraints, type_of_expression, error)
(type_of_expression, constraints, _, error) = expr_to_constr expr (Map.empty) 0

This function implements the W algorithm (finding the most general unifier).
unify :: [(Type, Type)] -> ([(Type, Type)], Bool)
unify [] = ([], False)
unify ((type1, type2):tail)
| type1 == type2 = unify tail
unify ((Tvar a, type2):tail)
| (is_not_in a type2) = ((Tvar a, type2):new_constraints, error)
| otherwise = ([], True)
(new_constraints, error) = unify updated_tail
updated_tail = replace (a, type2) tail
unify ((type1, Tvar a):tail)
| (is_not_in a type1) = ((Tvar a, type1):new_constraints, error)
| otherwise = ([], True)
(new_constraints, error) = unify updated_tail
updated_tail = replace (a, type1) tail
unify ((Tfun type11 type12, Tfun type21 type22):tail) =
unify ((type11, type21):(type12, type22):tail)

Checks whether a certain variable of ID: 'a' is contained in a Type.
is_not_in :: Int -> Type -> Bool
is_not_in a (Tvar b)
| a == b = False
| otherwise = True
is_not_in a (Tfun type1 type2) = (is_not_in a type1) && (is_not_in a type2)

Replaces a certain type-variable (Tvar a) in a given type with the variable's equivalent
type (atype).
replace_in_type :: (Int, Type) -> Type -> Type
replace_in_type (a, atype) (Tvar a')
| a == a' = atype
| otherwise = Tvar a'
replace_in_type (a, atype) (Tfun sub_type1 sub_type2) = Tfun sub_type1' sub_type2'
sub_type1' = replace_in_type (a, atype) sub_type1
sub_type2' = replace_in_type (a, atype) sub_type2

Uses the 'replace_in_type' function to replace a certain type-variable (Tvar a) in
both parts of a constraint that has a form: (type1, type2).
replace_in_constraint :: (Int, Type) -> (Type, Type) -> (Type, Type)
replace_in_constraint (a, atype) (type1, type2) = (type1', type2')
type1' = replace_in_type (a, atype) type1
type2' = replace_in_type (a, atype) type2

Uses the 'replace_in_constraint' function to replace a certain type-variable (Tvar a) in
a list of constraints that has a form: [(type1, type2)...].
replace :: (Int, Type) -> [(Type, Type)] -> [(Type, Type)]
replace (a, atype) constraints = map (replace_in_constraint (a, atype)) constraints

After the most general unifier is computed, we "apply" the constraints to the initial type,
which was computed by the 'expr_to_constr' function.
replace_unified_constr_in_type :: [(Type, Type)] -> Type -> Type
replace_unified_constr_in_type [] final_type = final_type
replace_unified_constr_in_type ((type1, type2):constraints) my_type = final_type
final_type = replace_unified_constr_in_type constraints (replace' (type1, type2) my_type)

Helper function for 'replace_unified_constr_in_type'.
replace' (type1, type2) (Tvar v)
| (type1 == Tvar v) = type2
| otherwise = Tvar v
replace' (type11, type12) (Tfun type21 type22) = Tfun type21' type22'
type21' = replace' (type11, type12) type21
type22' = replace' (type11, type12) type22

Does the reordering in type-variable IDs, so that they appear in ascending order.
reorder :: Type -> Type
reorder my_type = final_type
(_, _, final_type) = reorder' my_type Map.empty 0
reorder' :: Type -> (Map.Map Int Int) -> Int -> (Map.Map Int Int, Int, Type)
reorder' (Tvar var) var_db counter_ID = case (Map.lookup var var_db) of
Just v -> (var_db, counter_ID, (Tvar v))
Nothing -> (Map.insert var counter_ID var_db, counter_ID + 1, (Tvar counter_ID))
reorder' (Tfun type1 type2) var_db counter_ID = (var_db'', counter_ID'', Tfun type1' type2')
(var_db', counter_ID', type1') = reorder' type1 var_db counter_ID
(var_db'', counter_ID'', type2') = reorder' type2 var_db' counter_ID'

readOne :: IO ()
readOne = do s <- getLine
let e = read s :: Expr
let (constraints, type_of_expr, error1) = find_constraints e
if error1 then putStrLn "type error"
else do
let (unified_constraints, error2) = unify constraints
if error2 then putStrLn "type error"
else putStrLn $ show $ reorder $ replace_unified_constr_in_type unified_constraints type_of_expr

count :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
count n m = sequence $ take n $ repeat m

main :: IO [()]
main = do n <- readLn
count n readOne

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