- Step01: roi_mni2jhu.sh
- transform ALE seeds from a MNI to JHU format
- Step02: seed2voxels_fc.m
- calculate individual seed-based FC maps to each voxel
- Step03: fcmatrices.m
- prepare FC matrices of each seed for SCCA analyses
- Step04: prep_data4fmri.R
- grab the subjects from raw files
- Step05: combine_behbrain.R
- combine behavior and brain data for SCCA analyses to R data
- Step06: scca_adhd_rois.R
- run SCCA on ADHD-related brain hubs and generate relevant figures of results
- regress out confounding variables
- split into discovery and replication
- SCCA main analysis
- permutation analysis for no. of modes
- boostrapping analysis for stability
- visualization
- run SCCA on ADHD-related brain hubs and generate relevant figures of results
- Step07: scca_dbd_rois.R
- run SCCA on DBD-related brain hubs and generate relevant figures of results
- regress out confounding variables
- split into discovery and replication
- SCCA main analysis
- permutation analysis for no. of modes
- boostrapping analysis for stability
- visualization
- run SCCA on DBD-related brain hubs and generate relevant figures of results
- Note: Step 6 and 7 used the same random seed so they give the same split discovery and replication samples.
- Folder: R
- R functions used for SCCA analyses