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Change markdown renderer

kaiiiz edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

For better render quality, I suggest that you should change the default renderer.

Uninstall original renderer

First, uninstall the default renderer hexo-renderer-marked

npm uninstall hexo-renderer-marked --save

Install new renderer

Then, install new renderer hexo-renderer-markdown-it

npm install hexo-renderer-markdown-it --save

You can also choose to install renderer plugin

npm install markdown-it-abbr --save
npm install markdown-it-container --save
npm install markdown-it-deflist --save
npm install markdown-it-emoji --save
npm install markdown-it-footnote --save
npm install markdown-it-imsize --save
npm install markdown-it-ins --save
npm install markdown-it-mark --save
npm install markdown-it-regexp --save
npm install markdown-it-sub --save
npm install markdown-it-sup --save
npm install markdown-it-checkbox --save


Finally, add these line in your site's _config.yml, remember to modify entries according to your settings.

    html: true # Doesn't escape HTML content so the tags will appear as html.
    xhtmlOut: false # Parser will not produce XHTML compliant code.
    breaks: true # Parser produces `<br>` tags every time there is a line break in the source document.
    linkify: true # Returns text links as text.
    typographer: true # Substitution of common typographical elements will take place.
    quotes: '“”‘’' # "double" will be turned into “single”
                   # 'single' will be turned into ‘single’
    - markdown-it-abbr
    - markdown-it-container
    - markdown-it-deflist
    - markdown-it-emoji
    - markdown-it-footnote
    - markdown-it-imsize
    - markdown-it-ins
    - markdown-it-mark
    - markdown-it-regexp
    - markdown-it-sub
    - markdown-it-sup
    - markdown-it-checkbox
    # Minimum level for ID creation. (Ex. h2 to h6)
    level: 1
    # A suffix that is prepended to the number given if the ID is repeated.
    collisionSuffix: 'v'
    # If `true`, creates an anchor tag with a permalink besides the heading.
    permalink: false
    # Class used for the permalink anchor tag.
    permalinkClass: header-anchor
    # The symbol used to make the permalink
    permalinkSymbol: '# '
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